Order Processing API
###This API exposes the following endpoints
HTTP Verb | URL | Description |
http://localhost:8082/orders/order/status/{orderRequestId} |
Obtains order status corresponding to the provided order request ID. |
http://localhost:8082/orders/publish/order |
Publishes the order to kafka and stores the order details in Redis DB. |
HTTP Verb | URL | Description |
http://localhost:8082/user?user=XXXXX&password=YYYY |
Obtains JWT token for given username and password |
- json file
- It contains sample order request body.
- order-processor-api/src/main/resources/request.json
- Spring boot application port : 8082
- kafka Credentials
- bootstrap-servers
- default-topic
- consumer-group-id
- Redis Credentials
- host
- port
- db key
Without Docker-Compose
- Zookeeper setup on-prem
- Default Zookeeper port in zoo.cfg file (Default port 2181).
- Run Zookeeper by opening a new cmd and type zkserver, Zookeeper is up and running on port 2181!
- kafka setup on-prem
- If your Zookeeper is running on some other machine or cluster you can edit “zookeeper.connect:2181” to your custom IP and port. For this demo we are using same machine so no need to change. Also Kafka port & broker.id are configurable in this file. Leave other settings as it is. Your Kafka will run on default port 9092 & connect to zookeeper’s default port which is 2181.
- Go to your Kafka installation directory C:\kafka_2.11-2.0.0
- Now type .\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties and press Enter , everything wnet fine, kafka is up and running.
- creating topics
- kafka-topics.bat --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test
- Redis Setup on-prem
- Run redis-server
- Run the gradle build, jar will be generated under build/lib/order-processor-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar or run application as sprintboot
- hit /user?user=XXXXX&password=YYYY api to get the jwt token
- hit /publish/order with request body and header authorization with above token, message will be published to kafka and using /order/status/{orderRequestId} api with authorization header to get the status of that order
With Docker-Compose
- Run the gradle build, jar will be generated under build/lib/order-processor-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Docker file
- Entrypoint to run spring boot application jar
- Docker-Compose
- docker-compose up --build will generate 4 containers for Web(order process api), kafka, zookeeper and redis
- After running above command, all clusters will be up and running, hit /user?user=XXXXX&password=YYYY api to get the jwt token
- hit /publish/order with request body and header authorization with above token, message will be published to kafka and using /order/status/{orderRequestId} api with authorization header to get the status of that order
Application | Port | Description |
web |
8082 |
Order Processing API |
Kafka |
9092 |
Kafka |
Zookeeper |
2181 |
Zookeeper |
Redis |
6379 |
Redis |