Raspberry pi SDR receiver/ fronted using lvgl gui !!! This is an ongoing project code only for information purpose only. The main goal for this project is to learn about c++ programming, liquid dsp, and for most the use of the GUI toolkit LVGL v8 Functionalit is in beta currently
This source code is still in development.
Goal is to support Adalm pluto SDR and Radioberry SDR but it should also support other SDR receivers based on SoapySDR.
Also the goal is to support optical encoder and support I2C / serial interface for bandpass filtering
Currently it also supports basic BLE as controler input. I use a ESP32 as BLE server with a service for an optical encoder.
To install you need to configure rasberry pi OS in text only mode, (switch of the GUI) Compiled using VisualGDB copy the cfg file (in install directory) to the home dir of the application
a compiled executable and soapyradioberry library is available in executable directory installation instruction in install_guide.txt install script install.sh installs all components based on a fresh raspberry pi SD card (OS should be updated and in CLI mode)
- Support for Midi contoler
- Setup screen for Network and Wifi
- waterfall display
- i2c support for 16 bits
- Adalm Pluto
- Radioberry support
- FM broadband
- SSB support
- Basic BLE support
- Transmitter part
- USB CAT interface support (config serial controler in cfg file example ESP32 as CAT controler)
- i2c filter support for PCF8574
Installation of libraries is necessary:
- Liquid DSP
- Alsa audio
- SoapySDR
- SoapyPlutoSDR (support for Adalm Pluto SDR)
- SoapyRadioBerry (support radioberry)
- libiio
- libad9361-iio
- bluez-5.60
- tinyb
- libpthread.so.0