Log into the Azure Portal:
- Go to Azure Portal(https://portal.azure.com/).
- Sign in with your Microsoft account.
Create a New Application Registration:
- Navigate to Azure Active Directory in the left sidebar.
- Select App registrations > New registration.
- Enter a name for your app (e.g., MyApp), and select the appropriate Supported account types.
- Click Register.
Get Tenant ID:
- After registration, go to your app's page.
- Under Overview, find your Tenant ID (also called Directory ID). Copy it for later use.
Get Client ID (Application ID):
- Under Overview, you'll also find your Client ID (Application ID). Copy it for later use.
Create Client Secret:
- In your app registration, go to Certificates & secrets.
- Under the Client secrets section, click New client secret.
- Add a description and select an expiration period.
- Click Add.
- Copy the Value of the client secret immediately after creation (you won’t be able to see it again).
Grant API Permissions (Application Permission):
- Go to API permissions > Add a permission.
- Choose Microsoft Graph or another API.
- Select the required permissions (e.g., Mail.Send for email).
Configure Redirect URI (if needed):
- Under Authentication, you can add a Redirect URI if your app needs one (for OAuth flows).
Use Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret value in env(.env-email-cred) along with sender and receiver mail.
Create a env file with name .env-email-cred
sbt compile
sbt run