This MagicMirror Module is designed to display incoming bus and train times for the CTA (Chicago Transit Authority). The module will display up to the minute data for bus and train arrival times.
You need to obtain API keys to access the live data to update your mirror:
Bus API:
Train API:
The bus tracker API key can be obtained immediately, the train tracker key can take a few days to register. Please reference this github since it's already approved maybe it will help speed things along for you.
In your terminal, go to your MagicMirror's Module folder:
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
Clone this repository:
git clone
Configure the module in your config.js file.
To use this module, add it to the modules array in your config.js file.
modules: [
module: 'MMM-CTA',
position: 'bottom_left',
config: {
updateTime: 60000, // 1 minute, the API does not update much more often so going below this is unnecessary
ctaApiKey: 'you-bus-APIkey',
busStopName: '', // String value, Name your bus stop
stopId: 561, // Bus station ID: Chicago and Milwaukee example; go to to find your stop ID
maxResult: 4, // The maximum number of incoming bussesy you want to display for bus stops
ctaApiKeyTrain: 'your-train-APIkey',
trainStopName: '', //String value, name your train stop
trainStationID: 41410, //Train station ID: Chicago Blue line example;
maxResultTrain: 5, // Max number of incoming trains to disply
moduleInstance: 1, // To run multiple instances of this module
Option | Description |
updateTime |
How often the requests should update; 60 * 1000 = 1 minute. Expected Value type: int |
ctaApiKey |
Your CTA Bus API key. Expected Value type: string |
busStopName |
Name you would like to give your bus stop. Expected Value type: string |
stopId |
The number of your stopID, find a stop ID: For help finding your stopID, see the FAQ below. Expected Value type: int |
maxResult |
The maximum number of bus results your station should display. Expected Value type: int |
ctaApiKeyTrain |
Your CTA Traing API key. Expected Value type: string |
trainStopName |
Name you would like to give your train stop. Expected Value type: string |
trainStationID |
Number of L station, find a station: Expected Value type: int |
maxResultTrain |
The maximum number of train results to display. Expected Value type: int |
moduleInstance |
If running multiple instances, add a new instance to your config.js and increment this value by 1 for each additional instance. Expected Value type: int |
I can't find my bus stop ID
Follow the link in "Configuration Options", use the drop down menu to find your bus route. Under "Route Information", click the "Bus Stop List" link, which provides a table of StopID's matching the stop name and direction of travel.
I can't find my train station ID
Follow the link in "Configuration Options", scroll down to the section titled "Parent Stop ID Quick Reference" and find your stationID. The table is labeled as StopID, but these are actually the StationID's.
I want more or different config options
Create an issue here please.