READ Solar power/energy from invertor and forward to kWhcounter in domoticz dzVents-scripts for Domoticz Tested on version Domoticz 2024.4 Raspberry Pi 3 (bullseye)
This script will work with Ginlong, Omnik Solar, Solarman and Trannergy Inverters that have a response to
Check this URL in your browser to see if your invertor responds to this address. Response must include "myDeviceArray[0]" in the first line after "var version".
Please note that the invertor can shut itself down during the night, so you cannot connect to the invertor-ip during that time.
If you have a status.js, then you can add this dzVents-script to Domoticz:
1- Create a virtual device "Electic (Instant+Counter)" in Domoticz
2- Edit properties, change type from "Usage" to "Return"
3- Write down the idx
4- Setup -> More options -> User variables
5- Create string variable dz_SolarInvertor_username, enter username for the invertor
6- Create string variable dz_SolarInvertor_password, enter username for the invertor
7- Create string variable dz_SolarInvertor_IP, enter IP-address for the invertor
8- Setup -> More options -> Events -> Add automation script -> dzVents -> Minimal
9- Remove the template-text and paste this script
10- Enter the idx of the virtual device in the user defaults below
11- Save as the script as "dzVents_SolarInvertor"
!! HELP !!
Please log an issue or push an update when you are changing/improving this dzvents-script. Better improve the source so everybody can profit than create a personal fork.