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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 31, 2023. It is now read-only.



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All documentation of Project DAVE can be found in the Dave Documentation (



  • ROS Noetic already setup
  • catkin_tools installed to build packages
  1. Clone this repo into your catkin workspace
  2. Install the following additional dependencies to ros-noetic
    sudo apt install -y ${GAZ} lib${GAZ}-dev python3-catkin-tools python3-rosdep python3-rosinstall python3-rosinstall-generator python3-vcstool ros-${DIST}-gazebo-plugins ros-${DIST}-gazebo-ros ros-${DIST}-gazebo-ros-control ros-${DIST}-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-${DIST}-effort-controllers ros-${DIST}-geographic-info ros-${DIST}-hector-gazebo-plugins ros-${DIST}-image-view ros-${DIST}-joint-state-controller ros-${DIST}-joint-state-publisher ros-${DIST}-joy ros-${DIST}-joy-teleop ros-${DIST}-kdl-parser-py ros-${DIST}-key-teleop ros-${DIST}-move-base ros-${DIST}-moveit-commander ros-${DIST}-moveit-planners ros-${DIST}-moveit-simple-controller-manager ros-${DIST}-moveit-ros-visualization ros-${DIST}-pcl-ros ros-${DIST}-robot-localization ros-${DIST}-robot-state-publisher ros-${DIST}-ros-base ros-${DIST}-ros-controllers ros-${DIST}-rqt ros-${DIST}-rqt-common-plugins ros-${DIST}-rqt-robot-plugins ros-${DIST}-rviz ros-${DIST}-teleop-tools ros-${DIST}-teleop-twist-joy ros-${DIST}-teleop-twist-keyboard ros-${DIST}-tf2-geometry-msgs ros-${DIST}-tf2-tools ros-${DIST}-urdfdom-py ros-${DIST}-velodyne-gazebo-plugins ros-${DIST}-velodyne-simulator ros-${DIST}-xacro
  3. use vstools to install dependencies by running vcs import --skip-existing --input dave/extras/repos/dave_sim.repos .
  4. build packages by running catkin build
  5. source workspace by running source devel/setup.bash

to use additional glider physics from glider_hybrid_whoi

  1. clone glider_hybrid_whoi repo into your catkin workspace by running git clone [email protected]:nautilus-uuv/glider_hybrid_whoi.git
  2. use vstools to install dependencies by running vcs import --skip-existing --input glider_hybrid_whoi/extras/repos/glider_hybrid_whoi.repos .
  3. If the computer is using a discrete nvidia GPU. Install cuda-toolkit by running sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit.
  4. build packages by running catkin build
  5. Source workspace by running source devel/setup.bash

Run simulation

  1. Have your workspace correctly sourced (source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash, source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash)
  2. Run file by running roslaunch dave_demo_launch dave_nautilus.launch


No releases published


No packages published


  • C++ 75.5%
  • CMake 13.1%
  • Python 6.1%
  • GLSL 2.0%
  • Shell 1.9%
  • HTML 1.1%
  • C 0.3%