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keithwoodlock edited this page Sep 8, 2012 · 2 revisions

Eclipse Setup

Instructions for using eclipse for development on mifosx.

Eclipsify your application

  • Move into the mifosng-provider directory.

Execute the following: gradle clean cleanEclipse eclipse

when this finishes do gradle clean war

Note: gradle tasks shows all tasks that can be executed in each directory.

Import project into eclipse

Create a new directory for your eclipse workspace. e.g. c:/dev/eclipse-workspaces/mifosx-github

Start up Eclipse (assuming its already installed)

Use the workspace directory you just created.

When opened, in the package explorer of the java perspective, right-click import->General->Existing projects into workspace. In the dialog that opens, specify the root directory option by browsing to and selecting the mifosx directory that was cloned e.g. c:/dev/githubrepos/mifosx

This should pick up on the mifosng-provider project you just 'eclipsified' in last step. Click Finish to import into workspace.

Note: You may see eclipse warning to do with 'Serializable'. Goto Window->Preferences->Java->Compiler->Errors/Warnings. In the Potential programming problems section choose 'ignore' for 'Serializable class without serialVersionUID:' option.

Remote debugging through eclipse

On the debugger (see menu icon that looks like a bug/spider), choose Debug configurations...

  1. Select Remote Java Application from list of configurations and click the icon on top for New launch configuration
  2. For name enter something like: Remote debug mifosx platform
  3. In connect tab, ensure the following
    • project: mifosng-provider
    • Host: localhost
    • Port: 8005 (or whatever you chose when adding remote debugging paramaters in the setting up gradle section)
  4. In common tab, tick of dispay in favourites for Debug

Apply/Save these changes and select the saved launch configuration from your debug menu to attach the debugger to the already running mifosx platform (if the platform isnt running you will get message from eclipse saying it cant attach to JVM etc)