This is a simple python app that can convert closedcaption_<language>.txt
files into .json for easy import into crowdsourcing websites like
The app has a simple built in gui which allows you to export to JSON and Back to VDF
It also can be used in the command line by itself to allow for easy automation using GitHub Actions and GitLab's CI/CD Pipelines
You can Export JSON back to VDF files
Exported VDF Files are UTF 16 LE BOM Encoded
this is so that you can easily pass the exported VDF file into CaptionCompiler.exe to easily compile them into
Source Engine Readable .dat
as the title says you can compile JSON files straight to .dat
files when converting
it will spit out a .vdf
file and a .dat
file which you can use straight away inside the source engine
To install this app you can simply go to the Releases Section on the Repo
and download the latest CCExporter.exe
or you can just run the project using python
Credit to p0358 for writing source-caption-compiler and open-sourcing it so that we can now compile
closed caption files without needing to use CaptionCompiler.exe