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RecipeApp PublicThe app showcases recipes of various food categories. The APIs used are taken from here: The app makes use of Retrofit, Room persistence, Kotlin coroutines, Coil i…
NewsApp PublicThe app fetches News and weather updates from APIs and displays the info to the users. It's written in kotlin and is built using Room Database, Dagger Hilt, MVVM architecture, LiveData, Retrofit an…
WeatherForecast PublicThis app displays weather forecast for 7 days from today. Uses free version of APIXU API. Clean Architecture is used in the app. The app is designed following the material design guidelines.
Java 1
CustomNumberPicker PublicThis library is a custom Number Picker. provides a compound view for picking the number of items selected. It has increment and decrement options. Minimum and maximum limits for the selected value …
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