QuickMafs is a LLM-integrated code generator for embedded convex optimization, addressing the challenges engineers face in translating complex mathematical expressions with convex objectives into efficient C code for embedded devices. It ultimately facilitates applications ranging from aircraft flight control systems to autonomous vehicles, portfolio optimization, healthcare systems, and smart grids.
- Potent tool with diverse applications from finance to healthcare and control systems, empowers engineers to find optimal solutions in complex scenarios.
- Maintaining stability during atmospheric disturbances,
- Path Planning, Trajectory Optimization, Collision Avoidance
- Portfolio Optimization, Risk Management, Algorithmic Trading Strategies
- Patient Scheduling, Resource Allocation in hospitals, Optimization of medical treatments
- Energy Distribution, Minimize transmission losses, schedule power generation efficiently, load balancing.
- The translation of intricate mathematical expressions with convex objectives into efficient C code for embedded devices is time-consuming and prone to errors!
- It is a code generation flow that not only optimizes the conversion but also resonates with the practical needs of engineers.
- Image-to-Mathematical-Expression Conversion
- Large Language Model with Prompt Engineering
- Export generated code as .c or .txt
Input your math prompt in plain English expression or in the supported programming languages.
Our system will process your input and return with the equivalent embedded system code
Immediately use the generated code by either copying the code directly to clipboard or saving as file.