Cheliks Jump is a platforming video game.
The game has been developed as a coursework in the software engineering major. The task was to develop a project in pure JavaScript without using external libraries and frameworks.
In Cheliks Jump, the aim is to guide the creature called "The Cheliks" up a never-ending series of platforms without falling. The left side of the playing field is connected with the right side.
The game has very flexible settings, which will suit both avid gamers and more arcade players. A hardmode was recently added to the game For the first ones. By turning on this mode, the platforms begin to move along the X axis
The skin of the character can be changed to any of the skins presented in the game. You can play as such cult characters as: Oleg Martynenko, Dmitry Gordon, Patrick Bateman from the movie American Psycho, notorious streamer Papich, old Van and Timur Shemsedinov completes this parade of the most magnificent people.