dSpace makes it easy to build simple, declarative, and composable abstractions in smart spaces.
Define a digi schema:
group: digi.dev
version: v1
kind: Plug
power: string
Program the digi's driver:
from digi import on
# tuya device library
import pytuya
plug = pytuya.Plug("DEVICE_ID")
def h(power):
Build and run the digi:
dq build plug; dq run plug plut-test
Update the intent of the digi in the model's yaml file (e.g., cr.yaml)
apiVersion: digi.dev/v1
kind: Plug
name: plug-test
# 'I want the plug switched off'
intent: "off"
Apply it via kubectl: kubectl apply -f cr.yaml
Install dSpace's driver library: pip install digi
. The command line dSpace manager: go get -u digi.dev/dq
. Or build dq
from the source from this repo: make dq
Digi: The basic building block in dSpace is called digi. Each digi has a model and a driver. A model consists of attribute-value pairs organized in a document (JSON) following a predefined schema. The model describes the desired and the current states of the digi; and the goal of the digi's driver is to take actions that reconcile the current states to the desired states.
Programming driver: Each digi's driver can only access its own model (think of it as the digi's "world view"). Programming a digi is conceptually very simple - manipulating the digi's model/world view (essentially a JSON document) plus any other actions to affect the external world (e.g., send a signal to a physical plug, invoke a web API, send a text messages to your phone etc.). The dSpace's runtime will handle the rest, e.g., syncing states between digis' world views when they are composed.
Example Room
from digi import on
from digi.view import TypeView, DotView
# invoked upon mount or control attributes changes
def handle_brightness(model):
# chained transformation of model
with TypeView(model) as tv, DotView(tv) as dv:
# control attribute for room brightness
rb = dv.room.control.brightness
# if no lamps brightness status set to 0
rb.status = 0
if "lamps" not in dv:
# count active lamps
active_lamps = [l for _, l in dv.lamps.items()
if l.control.power.status == "on"]
# iterate and set active lamp brightness
for lamp in active_lamps:
# room brightness is the sum of all lamps
room_brightness.status += \
# divide intended brightness across lamps
lamp.control.brightness.intent = \
room_brightness.intent / len(active_lamps)
# At the closing of the "with" clause, changes on
# DotView will be applied to the TypeView and then
# to the model.
if __name__ == '__main__':
Build and run: After defining the digi's schema and programing its driver, developers can build a digi image and push it to a digi repository for distributiton. Users can then pull the digi image, run it on dSpace, and interact with the digi by updating its model, e.g., specifies its desired states.
Digivice: In this tutorial, we will focus on a special type of digi called digivice (e.g., the Plug in Quick Start). A digivice model has control attributes (e.g., control.power
in Plug) where each control attribute has an intent field (tracking the desired states) and a status field (tracking the current states).
TBD digilake
Digivices can be composed via the mount operator, forming digivice hierarchies. Mounting a digi A to another digi B will allow B to change the intent fields and read the status fields of A (via updating the corresponding attribute replica of A in B's own model).
Example digi-graph:
$ dq
Command-line dSpace manager.
dq [command]
Available Commands:
alias Create a digi alias
build Build a digi image
help Help about any command
image List available digi images
log Print log of a digi driver
mount Mount a digivice to another digivice
pipe Pipe a digilake's input.x to another's output.y
pull Pull a digi image
push Push a digi image
rmi Remove a digi image
run Run a digi given kind and name
stop Stop a digi given kind and name
-h, --help help for dq
-q, --quiet Hide output
Use "dq [command] --help" for more information about a command.