Add GitHub workflows for automatic PR labeling, CLA assistant, and code linting #1
4 warnings and 1 notice
Invoke the Prettier fix
Changes detected in .github/workflows/build.yml. Manual intervention required to avoid conflicts with Super-Linter.
Invoke the Prettier fix
Changes detected in .github/workflows/cloud-passport-cli.yml. Manual intervention required to avoid conflicts with Super-Linter.
Invoke the Prettier fix
Changes detected in .github/workflows/docker-publish-qubership-cloud-passport-cli.yml. Manual intervention required to avoid conflicts with Super-Linter.
Invoke the Prettier fix
Consider pull request for a new branch: prettier/fix-250123130300-54c4c15 (or delete it)
Invoke the Prettier fix
A commit was successfully added to the new branch: prettier/fix-250123130300-54c4c15