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Releases: NethServer/arm-dev

7.9.2009 Final

25 Jan 12:32
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Beyond the updates Nethsever 7.9.2009 brings us, the arm specific changes/updates in this are:

Raspberry PI (armv7) :

  • On first-boot NetworkManager and NetworkManager-wait-online services are enabled to find the best working network solution, during system-init they are disabled. #46 #35
  • Nethforge repository is installed by default.

This image runs on a RPI- { 3 , 3P and 4 }

UBoot (armv7) :

  • On first-boot NetworkManager and NetworkManager-wait-online services are enabled to find the best working network solution, during system-init they are disabled. #46 #35
  • Nethforge repository is installed by default.

Uboot aarch64 (Devel) :

We keep the nethserver software repositories up to date, however the epel repository is unmaintained since October 2019 . Hence aarch64 will stay in the development phase until this is resolved.

Download the image(s) from the below "Assets" section.

Login: root
Password: Nethesis,1234

(Before installing applications, please expand the root file system by running rootfs_expand)

7.9.2009 RC2

23 Dec 22:15
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7.9.2009 RC2 Pre-release

Beyond the updates Nethsever 7.9.2009 brings us, the arm specific changes/updates in this RC2 are:

Raspberry PI (armv7) :

  • Image has a home-build kernel to be able to use zram-swap on RPI4 8G model #45
  • On first-boot NetworkManager and NetworkManager-wait-online services are enabled to find the best working network solution, during system-init they are disabled. #46 #35

This image should run on RPI- { 3 , 3P and 4 }

UBoot (armv7) :
(note: RC1 has never been released publicly)

  • On first-boot NetworkManager and NetworkManager-wait-online services are enabled to find the best working network solution, during system-init they are disabled. #46 #35

Uboot aarch64 (Devel) :

We keep the nethserver software repositories up to date, however the epel repository is unmaintained since October 2019 . Hence aarch64 will stay in the development phase until this is resolved.

Download the image(s) from the below "Assets" section.

Login: root
Password: Nethesis,1234

(Before installing applications, please expand the root file system by running rootfs_expand)

7.8.2003 Final

19 May 14:30
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Changes / Fixes since 7.8.2003 RC2

Raspberry PI :

  • Improved network-kickstart configuration, this does not change the end result after system init

Changes / Fixes since 7.8.2003 RC1


  • Added nethserver-arm-extra-config package, adds the centos-kernel repository to the enabled repo list
    See #40 (comment) to salvage your completed RC1 install

Raspberry PI :

  • Added nethserver-arm-extra-config package, adds the centos-kernel repository to the enabled repo list
    See #40 (comment) to salvage your completed RC1 install
  • Provide function specific systemd override .conf files for network.service.
    See #37 (comment) to salvage your completed Raspberry PI RC1 install.

Download the image(s) from the below "Assets" section.

Login: root
Password: Nethesis,1234

7.7.1908 RC1

26 Oct 14:33
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7.7.1908 RC1 Pre-release

This is a pre-release

Download the images from the below "Assets" section