Start and configure a mattermost instance. The module uses Mattermost Docker Image for Team Edition.
The documenation is available at
You could configure the settings by Environment variables, the container must be restarted once the Env vars has been changed
Instantiate the module with:
add-module 1
The output of the command will return the instance name. Output example:
{"module_id": "mattermost1", "image_name": "mattermost", "image_url": ""}
Let's assume that the mattermost instance is named mattermost1
Launch configure-module
, by setting the following parameters:
: a fully qualified domain name for the applicationhttp2https
: enable or disable HTTP to HTTPS redirectionlets_encrypt
: enable or disable Let's Encrypt certificate
api-cli run configure-module --agent module/mattermost1 --data - <<EOF
"host": "",
"http2https": true,
"lets_encrypt": false
The above command will:
- start and configure the mattermost instance
- configure a virtual host for trafik to access the instance
You can retrieve the configuration with
api-cli run get-configuration --agent module/mattermost1 --data null | jq
You can access the database of a running instance using this command:
podman exec -ti postgres-app psql -U mattuser
Mattermost registers to the event smarthost-changed, each time you enable or disable the smarthost settings in the node, you restart mattermost.
Before to start the containers we trigger the script discover-smarthost to find and write to an environment file smarthost.env
the settings of the smarthost and enable the email notification.
To uninstall the instance:
remove-module --no-preserve mattermost1
Test the module using the
The tests are made using Robot Framework
Translated with Weblate.
To setup the translation process:
- add GitHub Weblate app to your repository
- add your repository to or ask a NethServer developer to add it to ns8 Weblate project