Our accounting department needs to follow ETH transfer to and from our wallets and amount of spent on transactions costs. In ETH and fiat currency.
All that information is available at Etherscan and Kraken (we are using this exchange) but you receive raw data which is inconvenient to process manually. This simple script helps in this task.
As input, you provide Ethereum addresses and outcome is a list (CSV file) of your transactions with their ETH and fiat tx cost and value from the date of transaction divided into the deposit, local and expense categories.
Categories describe the direction in which eth flows.
- Deposit is a transaction that comes from unknown address to one of ours. In this case, we are ignoring tx fee as it was paid by someone else and we are interested only in ETH amount that was sent to us. If transaction failed we ignore it as we didn’t spend any gas on it nor it didn’t a cause change in the account balance.
- Local transactions are ones that both addresses are ours. Those are special in this manner that we moved eth between our own accounts or just perform a transaction on one of our contracts. So generally there is no change in ETH balance but some were spent on transaction fees which goes to the network. That’s why we divide every local tx into two entries. A transaction fee is an expense as it was paid to network and value of eth is marked as local.In case of failure we ignore value but as we paid for gas we spent so it have to note it.
- Expense are transactions that lowered the overall amount of eth that we possess. It's possible in two cases. When we sent eth to foreign wallet then both value and tx cost are on us. Or we make a local transaction which didn’t change eth balance but still, we have paid for gas used to perform it.
There is a possibility to integrate with Kraken exchange (you need to enable it through configuration). If you enable it will mark deposits from Kraken as local transactions and use Kraken fee instead tx fee.
If you want you can send outcome file using e-mail (for now we are supporting Gmail) - you need to configure it through config.
From the technical point of view, it's Javascript node application running on node.js and we use yarn package manager to handle dependencies. To run the tool you need both to be installed on your machine. Its easy and both sides provide detailed instruction how to do it.
We don't provide npm package. But you can clone the repository or download the zip from Github.
Go to the directory where you put the code and issue yarn
Configuration is stored in config.json
you need to create one by yourself. We provided the example as config.example.json
just copy it in the same directory and fill required data. Most of the options are self-explanatory just few require more explanation.
- ethScanApiKey To use Etherscan API you have to register and generate your unique API key. Go to the login page and after creating/logging into user panel in API-KEYs you can generate API key.
- wallets For those addresses script will obtain transactions. You can provide
which will be used instead of the address on outcome list. Second optional option is"isDev": true
. If you mark address with itdescription
column will start withdev expenses
. We use it for our company to distinguish dev addresses from ops ones. - contracts You can provide a list of contracts with aliases. Those will be treated as local transactions and the alias will be used as to field.
- kraken To enable it you need to set enabled variable to true and fill key and secret which you can obtain form Kraken user panel.
- email You can enable it in the same way as Kraken integration. Just fill recipient address and your credentials. If you are using
you have to enable App Passwords.
Just issue yarn start
command and script will start working and gather all required information. It will crate ./outcome
directory with trasactions.csv