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Move the with_stack hack inside of the DCM code #526

wants to merge 3 commits into
base: master
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@MasonProtter MasonProtter commented Jan 10, 2025

I think this should resolve the issues of running out of stack space during the DCM trials without needing to put the with_stack stuff in the IAP notebooks. If my idea for switching to Enzyme for the jacobian works, then we won't need this, but I'll put it up for now just in case.

Before merging, I need someone with 8 or less GB of RAM to check out this branch and tell me if this runs without errors:

using Neuroblox, Test, Graphs, MetaGraphs, OrderedCollections, LinearAlgebra, DataFrames
using MAT

    ### Load data ###
    vars = matread(joinpath(@__DIR__, "spm25_fMRI_toydata.mat"));
    data = DataFrame(vars["data"], :auto)    # turn data into DataFrame, name column names after building the model.
    x = vars["x"]                            # point around which expansion is computed
    nrr = ncol(data)                         # number of recorded regions
    ns  = nrow(data)                         # number of samples
    max_iter = 128
    dt = 2.0                                 # time bin in seconds
    freq = range(min(128, ns*dt)^-1, max(8, 2*dt)^-1, 32)  # define frequencies at which to evaluate the CSD

    ########## assemble the model ##########
    g = MetaDiGraph()
    regions = Dict()
    @parameters lnκ=0.0 [tunable = true] lnϵ=0.0 [tunable=true] C=1/16 [tunable = false]
    for ii = 1:nrr
        region = LinearNeuralMass(;name=Symbol("r$(ii)₊lm"))
        add_blox!(g, region)
        regions[ii] = nv(g)    # store index of neural mass model
        taskinput = ExternalInput(;name=Symbol("r$(ii)₊ei"), I=1.0)
        add_edge!(g, taskinput => region, weight = C)
        # add hemodynamic observer
        observer = BalloonModel(;name=Symbol("r$(ii)₊bm"), lnκ=lnκ, lnϵ=lnϵ)
        # connect observer with neuronal signal
        add_edge!(g, region => observer, weight = 1.0)

    # add symbolic weights
    A = []
    for (i, a) in enumerate(vec(vars["pE"]["A"]))
        symb = Symbol("A$(i)")
        push!(A, only(@parameters $symb = a))

    # untune!(A, untunelist)   # list indices of parameters that should be set to tunable=false
    for (i, idx) in enumerate(CartesianIndices(vars["pE"]["A"]))
        if idx[1] == idx[2]
            add_edge!(g, regions[idx[1]], regions[idx[2]], :weight, -exp(A[i])/2)  # treatement of diagonal elements in SPM12, likely to avoid instabilities of the linear model
            add_edge!(g, regions[idx[2]], regions[idx[1]], :weight, A[i])

    # compose model
    @named neuronmodel = system_from_graph(g, simplify=false)
    untunelist = Dict()
    for (i, v) in enumerate(diag(vars["pC"])[1:nrr^2])
        untunelist[A[i]] = v == 0 ? false : true
    neuronmodel = changetune(neuronmodel, untunelist)
    neuronmodel = structural_simplify(neuronmodel, split=false)

    # attribute initial conditions to states
    _, obsvars = get_eqidx_tagged_vars(neuronmodel, "measurement")  # get index of equation of bold state
    rename!(data, Symbol.(obsvars))

    sts, _ = get_dynamic_states(neuronmodel)
    initcond = OrderedDict(sts .=> 0.0)
    rnames = []
    map(x->push!(rnames, split(string(x), "")[1]), sts);
    rnames = unique(rnames);
    for (i, r) in enumerate(rnames)
        for (j, s) in enumerate(sts[r .== map(x -> x[1], split.(string.(sts), ""))])
            initcond[s] = x[i, j]

    pmean, pcovariance, indices = defaultprior(neuronmodel, nrr)
    # priors = DataFrame(name=[k for k in keys(modelparam)], mean=[m for m in values(modelparam)], variance=[v for v in values(paramvariance)])
    priors = (μθ_pr = pmean,
              Σθ_pr = pcovariance
    hyperpriors = (Πλ_pr = 128.0*ones(1, 1),   # prior metaparameter precision, needs to be a matrix
                   μλ_pr = [8.0]               # prior metaparameter mean, needs to be a vector

    csdsetup = (mar_order = 8, freq = freq, dt = dt);

    (state, setup) = setup_sDCM(data, neuronmodel, initcond, csdsetup, priors, hyperpriors, indices, pmean, "fMRI");

    # HACK: on machines with very small amounts of RAM, Julia can run out of stack space while compiling the code called in this loop
    # this should be rewritten to abuse the compiler less, but for now, an easy solution is just to run it with more allocated stack space.

    for iter in 1:max_iter
        state.iter = iter
        run_sDCM_iteration!(state, setup)
        print("iteration: ", iter, " - F:", state.F[end] - state.F[2], " - dF predicted:", state.dF[end], "\n")
        if iter >= 4
            criterion = state.dF[end-3:end] .< setup.tolerance
            if all(criterion)
    print("maxixmum iterations reached\n")

    @show state.F[end], vars["F"]
    @test state.F[end] < vars["F"]*0.99
    @test state.F[end] > vars["F"]*1.01

@testset "LFP test" begin
    ### Load data ###
    vars = matread(joinpath(@__DIR__, "spm12_cmc.mat"));
    data = DataFrame(vars["data"], :auto)    # turn data into DataFrame, name column names after building the model.
    x = vars["x"]                            # point around which expansion is computed
    nrr = ncol(data)                         # number of recorded regions
    ns  = nrow(data)                         # number of samples
    max_iter = 128
    dt = 2.0                                 # time bin in seconds
    freq = range(1.0, 64.0)  # define frequencies at which to evaluate the CSD

    ########## assemble the model ##########
    g = MetaDiGraph()
    global_ns = :g                            # global namespace
    regions = Dict()

    @parameters lnr = 0.0
    @parameters lnτ_ss=0 lnτ_sp=0 lnτ_ii=0 lnτ_dp=0
    @parameters C=512.0 [tunable = false]    # TODO: SPM12 has this seemingly arbitrary 512 pre-factor in spm_fx_cmc.m. Can we understand why?
    for ii = 1:nrr
        region = CanonicalMicroCircuitBlox(;namespace=global_ns, name=Symbol("r$(ii)₊cmc"), 
                                            τ_ss=exp(lnτ_ss)*0.002, τ_sp=exp(lnτ_sp)*0.002, τ_ii=exp(lnτ_ii)*0.016, τ_dp=exp(lnτ_dp)*0.028, 
                                            r_ss=exp(lnr)*2.0/3, r_sp=exp(lnr)*2.0/3, r_ii=exp(lnr)*2.0/3, r_dp=exp(lnr)*2.0/3)
        add_blox!(g, region)
        regions[ii] = nv(g)    # store index of neural mass model
        input = ExternalInput(;name=Symbol("r$(ii)₊ei"), I=1.0)
        add_edge!(g, input => region; weight = C)

        # add lead field (LFP measurement)
        measurement = LeadField(;name=Symbol("r$(ii)₊lf"))
        # connect measurement with neuronal signal
        add_edge!(g, region => measurement; weight = 1.0)

    nl = Int((nrr^2-nrr)/2)   # number of links unidirectional
    @parameters a_sp_ss[1:nl] = repeat([0.0], nl) # forward connection parameter sp -> ss
    @parameters a_sp_dp[1:nl] = repeat([0.0], nl) # forward connection parameter sp -> dp
    @parameters a_dp_sp[1:nl] = repeat([0.0], nl) # backward connection parameter dp -> sp
    @parameters a_dp_ii[1:nl] = repeat([0.0], nl) # backward connection parameter dp -> ii

    k = 0
    for i in 1:nrr
        for j in (i+1):nrr
            k += 1
            # forward connection matrix
            add_edge!(g, regions[i], regions[j], :weightmatrix,
                        [0 exp(a_sp_ss[k]) 0 0;            # connection from sp to ss
                        0 0 0 0;
                        0 0 0 0;
                        0 exp(a_sp_dp[k])/2 0 0] * 200)    # connection from sp to dp
            # backward connection matrix
            add_edge!(g, regions[j], regions[i], :weightmatrix,
                        [0 0 0 0;
                        0 0 0 -exp(a_dp_sp[k]);            # connection from dp to sp
                        0 0 0 -exp(a_dp_ii[k])/2;          # connection from dp to ii
                        0 0 0 0] * 200)

    @named fullmodel = system_from_graph(g; split=false)

    # attribute initial conditions to states
    sts, idx_sts = get_dynamic_states(fullmodel)
    idx_u = get_idx_tagged_vars(fullmodel, "ext_input")                # get index of external input state
    idx_measurement, obsvars = get_eqidx_tagged_vars(fullmodel, "measurement")  # get index of equation of bold state
    rename!(data, Symbol.(obsvars))

    initcond = OrderedDict(sts .=> 0.0)
    rnames = []
    map(x->push!(rnames, split(string(x), "")[1]), sts);
    rnames = unique(rnames);
    for (i, r) in enumerate(rnames)
        for (j, s) in enumerate(sts[r .== map(x -> x[1], split.(string.(sts), ""))])
            initcond[s] = x[i, j]

    modelparam = OrderedDict()
    np = sum(tunable_parameters(fullmodel); init=0) do par
        val = Symbolics.getdefaultval(par)
        modelparam[par] = val
    indices = Dict(:dspars => collect(1:np))
    # Noise parameter mean
    modelparam[:lnα] = zeros(Float64, 2, nrr);        # intrinsic fluctuations, ln(α) as in equation 2 of Friston et al. 2014 
    n = length(modelparam[:lnα]);
    indices[:lnα] = collect(np+1:np+n);
    np += n;
    modelparam[:lnβ] = [-16.0, -16.0];                # global observation noise, ln(β) as above
    n = length(modelparam[:lnβ]);
    indices[:lnβ] = collect(np+1:np+n);
    np += n;
    modelparam[:lnγ] = [-16.0, -16.0];                # region specific observation noise
    indices[:lnγ] = collect(np+1:np+nrr);
    np += nrr
    indices[:u] = idx_u
    indices[:m] = idx_measurement
    indices[:sts] = idx_sts

    # define prior variances
    paramvariance = copy(modelparam)
    paramvariance[:lnα] = ones(Float64, size(modelparam[:lnα]))./128.0; 
    paramvariance[:lnβ] = ones(Float64, nrr)./128.0;
    paramvariance[:lnγ] = ones(Float64, nrr)./128.0;
    for (k, v) in paramvariance
        if occursin("a_", string(k))
            paramvariance[k] = 1/16.0
        elseif "lnr" == string(k)
            paramvariance[k] = 1/64.0;
        elseif occursin("lnτ", string(k))
            paramvariance[k] = 1/32.0;
        elseif occursin("lf₊L", string(k))
            paramvariance[k] = 64;

    # priors = DataFrame(name=[k for k in keys(modelparam)], mean=[m for m in values(modelparam)], variance=[v for v in values(paramvariance)])
    priors = (μθ_pr = modelparam,
                Σθ_pr = paramvariance

    hype = matread(joinpath(@__DIR__, "spm12_cmc_hyperpriors.mat"));
    hyperpriors = Dict(:Πλ_pr => hype["ihC"],               # prior metaparameter precision, needs to be a matrix
                        :μλ_pr => vec(hype["hE"]),              # prior metaparameter mean, needs to be a vector
                        :Q => hype["Q"]

    csdsetup = (mar_order = 8, freq = freq, dt = dt);

    (state, setup) = setup_sDCM(data, fullmodel, initcond, csdsetup, priors, hyperpriors, indices, modelparam, "LFP");

    for iter in 1:128
        state.iter = iter
        run_sDCM_iteration!(state, setup)
        print("iteration: ", iter, " - F:", state.F[end] - state.F[2], " - dF predicted:", state.dF[end], "\n")
        if iter >= 4
            criterion = state.dF[end-3:end] .< setup.tolerance
            if all(criterion)

@MasonProtter MasonProtter mentioned this pull request Jan 10, 2025
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harisorgn commented Jan 11, 2025

Before merging, I need someone with 8 or less GB of RAM to check out this branch and tell me if this runs without errors:

I don't think someone has 8GB or less so I'd say we need to explicitly ask someone to do this in a virtual machine.

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