New freature
Add connection status show support as #102 said.
Add tab detach support as #114 said. Now double click tab to detach as window.
- Simplify graph protol, add ASCII protocol support
Format:$[line name],[x],[y]<checksum>\n
"$" means start of frame, end with "\n", "," means separator.
checksum is optional, checksum is sum of all bytes in frame except ",checksum".
"$pitch,1.0,2.0,179\n" (179 = sum(b"$pitch,1.0,2.0") % 256)
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For Linux, if you can not run the binary program, you can also install from source by pip3 install comtool
pip3 install comtool -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple
And launch by command comtool