This plugin returns the cookies from the webview for a specific url so the cookies can be used e.g. to get the cookies from cordova-plugin-inappbrowser and pass it to cordova-plugin-advanced-http.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-neucookies
- Android
- iOS
It doen't work with the UIWebView on iOS (It's deprecated by Apple).
// get cookie string from webview
window.cordova.plugins.CookiesPlugin.getCookie(url, (cookies) => {
// log cookies
console.log(url, cookies);
- Ionic v5 with Angular
- @ionic-native/in-app-browser
- @ionic-native/http
// create in app browser
const iab = this.inAppBrowser.create(url, "_blank");
// check for cookies on every loadstop
iab.on("loadstop").subscribe(() => {
// get cookie string from webview
(window as any).cordova.plugins.CookiesPlugin.getCookie(
async (cookies: string) => {
// set cookies to http plugin
cookies.split(";").forEach((cookie) => {
this.http.setCookie(url, cookie);
// check if connected
if (await this.isUserAuthenticated()) {
Original Plugin :- Thanks to the author for making this amazing plugin open source