A package for creating plot.ly graphs in Wolfram Mathematica
- Install package (File->Install) and select plotly.m as the source
- Type Needs["Plotly`"] in your notebook.
- The syntax matches native Plot function, just type Plotly[yourfunction,{x,min,max}] to make your first plot.
- (optional) type PlotlyLogin[username,APIKey] to plot under your Plotly account
- bugfixes & optimization
- proper package declaration
- out of the box plotting, no need to input user/pass
- support for older versions of Mathematica (replace URLExecute with JSON)
- support for styling
- code rewrite
- support for discrete plots, histograms, heatmaps, data streams, 3d plots, etc.
- replicates the functionality of the the native Plot function within Mathematica
- works only in Mathematica 10
- no support for styling within Mathematica (PlotStyle, PlotLabel, AxesLabel, etc.)
- no support for imaginary units
- indeterminate function values are set to 0