Thoughts on working together, and supporting organizations. The growing collection of topics here journals things that come up regularly. It is far from complete — but it's nice to write sometimes.
- Docs
- Wiki
- Integration patterns
- Ticketing
- Anatomy of Web Apps
- Anatomy of CMS Apps
- Anatomy of CRM and CX
- Anatomy of Email Systems
- Data, Services and Pipelines
- Scaling to 500k DAU
- QA and Testing
- QA for Event & Distributed Systems
- Notification
- An Agile-practice framework (SAFE-like)
- Types of Agile Charters
- Tooling Configs for Agile Systems
- Anti-patterns
- Responding to Incidents
- Anatomy of BI Systems
- Naming Conventions for Data Warehouses
- Data Security Guidance
- Data Classification and Management
- Vendor Lifecycle steps
- Notes on Managing Partner Relations
- Meditations on Business Continuity
- BC / DR Roadmap
- Onboarding and Ohana
- Coaching Near and Far
- The Structure of Data Science functions
- Distributed Teams & Remote Work
Not everything on here should ever be practiced at the same time. Each route represents a course toward quality.
Welcome to reach out with thoughts.