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Interactive Comment Section

My project is an interactive comment section that allows users to:

  • Create new comments
  • Edit existing comments
  • Delete comments
  • Upvote/downvote comments
  • Reply to comments
  • View all comments
  • View comments by specific users
  • Desktop/Mobile responsive design

It features a dynamic creation of the comments from a json data stored in the browsers local storage. This data consists of all the comments and their replies

It features desktop/mobile responsivity for an optimal user experience.

Project Screenshots

Project Screenshot; Desktop View

Project Screenshot; Mobile view A

Project Screenshot; Mobile view B

Project Screenshot; Mobile view C

Project Challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Create, Read, Update, and Delete comments and replies
  • Upvote and downvote comments
  • Bonus: Building a purely front-end project, use localStorage to save the current state in the browser that persists when the browser is refreshed.
  • Bonus: Use timestamps and dynamically track the time since the comment or reply was posted.
  • Bonus: Implement a single voting feature; such that once a user has voted for a comment, further voting is not allowed.

Project Expected behaviour

  • First-level comments should be ordered by their score, whereas nested replies are ordered by time added.
  • Replying to a comment adds the new reply to the bottom of the nested replies within that comment.
  • A confirmation modal should pop up before a comment or reply is deleted.
  • Adding a new comment or reply uses the currentUser object from within the data.json file.
  • You can only edit or delete your own comments and replies.

Project Design

This project is fundamentally made of three elements:

  • a comment section element
    • comment-ID section
    • comment-info section
    • comment-message section
  • a reply comment section element
    • reply vertical line
    • comment-replies section
  • a reply container section element

desktop view of a comment section element

mobile view of a comment section element

view of a reply container section element

view of reply comment section element

view of the structure of the NoSQL DataBase A

view of the structure of the NoSQL DataBase B

view of the structure of the NoSQL DataBase C

Project WorkFlow

1. Initial Structure and Styles

this is done with pure html and css.
the aim is to know what html elements & classes i need,
to create each element that would make up the page before any dynamic creation.

2. Event Handlers for all interactive buttons

  • the comment reply button
  • the comment send-reply button
  • the edit button
  • the delete button
  • the upvote & downvote button (single voting feature)

3. Dynamic Tracking of the comment/reply post time

this feature makes it possible so that for each comment,
you would have a clue of the exact time it was posted
seconds ago, hours ago, months ago e.t.c

4. Dynamic Rendering of the comments

having the structure, styles and event handlers all set
it was time to use javascript to render the webpage.
For now, i loaded the json in the working directory which contains comments data,
into a variable called DATA as a javascript Object.

Using functional programming, i could generate HTMLElements
for each comment in the data and added it to the DOM, rendering the comments.

5. Mobile Responsiveness Implementation

As seen in the screenshots, the "COMMENT SECTION ElEMENT"
for both desktop view and mobile view
has slightly different structure to the mobile view.

Using a media querry of (max-width: 700px)
i was able use javascript to querry the page for its widths
then if it satifies the media querry, it renders the page in mobile form.

6. Local Storage of Comment Data

Building a purely front-end project,
the plan was to store the comments data
in the local storage of user's browsers.
it is from this storage the comments are
Created, Read, Updated and Deleted.

Project Spotlight: Noteworthy Features and Their Development

1. Comment Identification

every comment has an identification number.
and in order to delete & edit a particular comment
we need to be able to know the ID of the comment section
the delete or edit button referes to.

therefore the comment ID is included
in the commenst section element
but is made to be hidded via its display property.

Also, the fact that the ID of each comment is on the page
simplied the implementation of the single voting feature.
More on this later.

show code snippet of the commentSectionID function

show code snippet of the searchForCommentViaID function

2. Comment Delete Feature

based on the page expected behaviour,
a confirmation modal should pop up
before a comment or reply is deleted.

this was implemented using a bootstrap modal widget,
with further tweaking added; such that,

  • when the delete button is clicked,
  • a tag via a class-name is placed
    on the delete button element of the comment section element;
    the show-modal class,
  • button click will cause the bootstrap modal widget to pop up,
  • modal showcases two options
    • No, Cancel
    • Yes, Delete
  • No, Cancel meaning "i no longer want to delete this comment".
    this will search for the HTMLElement having the class show-modal
    then remove the name show-modal from its list of class names.
  • Yes, Delete will also search for the HTMLElement
    having the class show-modal which is a button element
  • then, it gets the comment section
    wherein the button elements lies
    and removes the comment section from the DOM
  • lastly, we would use the comment section ID
    to search for its comment information in the comment data
    that is located in the local storage of the browser.

show code snippet of the handleDeleteButton function

show code snippet of the handleModalDeleteButton function

show code snippet of the handleModalDontDeleteButton function

3. Comment Single Voting Feature

Each user can either downvote or upvote a comment.
We want to make is so that user can vote only once.

This was implemented by storing an Array of IDs in the local storage of the browser. This IDs corresponds to the IDs of the comments user has already voted for.

Once the ID of the comment section is in this Array,
the voting icon of that comment section
will be made to be unclickable.
this is implemented by adding/removing
a class name clickable from the voting icon element.

Once the ID of the comment section is in this Array,
no matter the clicks on the voting icon
the comment score value will not increase

show code snippet of the isVotedFor function

4. Comment Time of Post Tracking Feature

we intend to dynamically track the time
since the comment or reply was posted.

in the comment information in the comment DATA,
there is a property called createdAt that keeps track of the date and time the comment was created.

we compare the value with the present date and time
so we can know how long the comment/reply was posted.

show code snippet of the getDateDiff function

5. Comment Ordering

There two types of comments.
first-level comment and second-level comment.
second-level comments are comments which are replies to another comments.

first-level comments are items in the comments property. second-level comments are items in the replies property.

When rendering,
first-level comments are to be ordered by their comment score.
second-level comments are to be ordered by the time-of-post.

Therefore before rendering the list of first-level comments is sorted, then rendered.

The second-level comment will be sorted by time-of-post by default; since it is by time-of-post they are appended to the replies property Array.

Project Script: functions division

Scripting is divided into Nine(9) Aspect:

  • Loading Data into Browser Local Storage
  • Initial Rendering of the Webpage
  • Setting up of Mobile Responsiveness
  • Utility Functions
  • Functions for generating sections of webpage
  • Functions for Handling Button Interactions
  • Functions for Manipulating the Database
  • Setting up the Event Handlers


Front-End Project






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