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An unofficial PHP SDK for the official CLAIM.MD API.


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ClaimMD PHP Wrapper

Welcome to the unofficial PHP wrapper for the CLAIM.MD API! πŸŽ‰ This library aims to simplify interactions with the official API, providing a more developer-friendly way to integrate services into your PHP applications.

⚠️ Disclaimer

Nextvisit Inc. is not affiliated with CLAIM.MD in any way. This package is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement. Use at your own risk.

That being said, if you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to open an issue or contribute to the package. 😊

🌟 Features

This library provides a range of features to interact with the CLAIM.MD API:

This refers to a claim status response, not an HTTP or protocol response.
  • Fetch Responses: Retrieve claim statuses (referred to as "responses" in the Claim.MD API) from the Claim MD API.
  • Fetch All Responses: Automatically handle pagination to retrieve all claim statuses.
  • Fetch Payers: Retrieve a list of payers or a specific payer.

DTOs can make passing data to and from cleaner in your code. Consider using them over a traditional array.

Note: All methods which use a DTO can instead take an array with correct Claim.MD API mappings.

Utility Features

  • Configuration Handling: Easily configure the client with account keys and other settings.
  • Validation: Built-in validation for fields like dates, emails, phone numbers, state codes, etc.

πŸ“¦ Installation

You can install the package via Composer:

composer require nextvisit/claim-md-php

πŸ› οΈ Usage


First, configure the Client with your account key:

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Client;
use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Config;

$accountKey = 'your-account-key'; // Never hardcode your keys!
$config = new Config();

$client = new Client($accountKey, $config);

Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)

Get ERAs List

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\ERARequest;
use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\DTO\ERADTO;

$eraRequest = new ERARequest($client);

// optionally pass an array or ERADTO with at least the ERA ID to get remits since then.
$eraDto = new ERADTO(eraId: 'era-id');
$recentResponse = $eraRequest->getList($eraDto);

$allResponse = $eraRequest->getList();

Get an ERA 835

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\ERARequest;

$eraRequest = new ERARequest($client);
$response = $eraRequest->get835('era-id');

Get an ERA PDF

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\ERARequest;

$eraRequest = new ERARequest($client);

// optional PCN can be used after the era-id. 
$pcnResponse = $eraRequest->getPDF('era-id', 'pcn');

$regularResponse = $eraRequest->getPDF('era-id');


use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\ERARequest;

$eraRequest = new ERARequest($client);
$response = $eraRequest->getJson('era-id');

File Management

Upload Files

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\FileRequest;

$fileRequest = new FileRequest($client);
$response = $fileRequest->upload(fopen('path/to/your/file.txt', 'r'));


Get Upload List

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\FileRequest;

$fileRequest = new FileRequest($client);
$response = $fileRequest->getUploadList();

Provider Management

Enroll Providers

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\ProviderRequest;
use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\DTO\ProviderEnrollmentDTO;

// If this provider is already enrolled, the response will contain that information.
$providerEnrollment = new ProviderEnrollmentDTO(
    payerId: 'payer-id',
    enrollType: 'era',
    provTaxId: 'provider-tax-id',
    provNpi: 'provider-npi',
    provNameLast: 'Doe',
    provNameFirst: 'John',
    contactEmail: '[email protected]'

$providerRequest = new ProviderRequest($client);
$response = $providerRequest->enroll($providerEnrollment);

Claim Management

Claim Appeal

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\DTO\ClaimAppealDTO;
use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\ClaimRequest;

$appealDto = new ClaimAppealDTO(
    claimId: 'claim-id',
    remoteClaimId: 'remote-claim-id',
    contactName: 'Jane Doe',
    contactEmail: '[email protected]',
    contactPhone: '+1234567890'
$claimRequest = new ClaimRequest($client);
$response = $claimRequest->appeal($appealDto);

Archive Claim

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\ClaimRequest;

$claimRequest = new ClaimRequest($client);
$response = $claimRequest->archive('claim-id');

List Claim Modifications

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\ClaimRequest;

$claimRequest = new ClaimRequest($client);

$modId = 'mod-id'; // List modifications that have occurred after modId by specifying.
$claimMdId = 'claimmd-id'; // Get responses for a specific claim.
$field = 'some-field'; // Specify changes to a particular field.
$specifiedResponse = $claimRequest->listModifications($modId, $claimMdId, $field);

// list all modifications to all claims
$allResponse = $claimRequest->listModifications();

Fetch Claim Notes

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\ClaimRequest;

$claimRequest = new ClaimRequest($client);

// specify notesId to get notes since that note.
$noteId = 'note-id';
// specify claimId to get notes on just that claim.
$claimId = 'claim-id';
$specifiedResponse = $claimRequest->notes($noteId, $claimId);

// list all notes on all claims
$allResponse = $claimRequest->notes();

Response (Claim Status)

Fetch Response

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\ResponseRequest;

$responseRequest = new ResponseRequest($client);

// Get responses since responseId
$responseId = 'response-id';
$recentResponse = $responseRequest->fetchResponses($responseId);

Fetch All Responses

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\ResponseRequest;

$responseRequest = new ResponseRequest($client);

// optionally pass the claimmd-id to get responses for that id
// Note per the ClaimMD API "Do not use this option for periodic status updates".
foreach ($responseRequest->fetchAllResponses() as $response) {
    // do something with the response


Realtime X12 270/271 Eligibility Check

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\EligibilityRequest;

$eligibilityRequest = new EligibilityRequest($client);

$eligibility270 = fopen('path/to/your/file.270', 'r');

// the response will contain a 270 file
$realtimeResponse = $eligibilityRequest->checkEligibility270271($eligibility270);

Realtime Parameter Eligibility Check

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\EligibilityRequest;
use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\DTO\EligibilityDTO;

$eligibilityRequest = new EligibilityRequest($client);

// build an EligibilityDTO or pass an existing array
$eligDto = new EligibilityDTO(
    insLastName: 'Doe',
    insFirstName: 'Jane',
    payerId: 'payer-id',
    // 18 or G8 are the only valid codes
    patientRelationship: '18',
    serviceDate: '20220203',
    providerNpi: 'provider-npi', 
    providerTaxId: 'provider-tax-id'

// response will be in the response array
$response = $eligibilityRequest->checkEligibilityJSON($eligDto);


List Payers

use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\Requests\PayerRequest;

$payerRequest = new PayerRequest($client);

// specify a specific payer
$payerId = 'payer-id';
$specifiedPayerResponse = $payerRequest->listPayer(payerId: $payerId);

// specify a general payer name search
$payerName = 'payer-name';
$searchResponse = $payerRequest->listPayer($payerName: $payerName);

// get all payers
$allResponse = $payerRequest->listPayer();

Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)


use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\DTO\ClaimAppealDTO;

$claimAppealDto = new ClaimAppealDTO(
    claimId: '12345',
    remoteClaimId: 'remote-claim-123',
    contactName: 'John Doe',
    contactTitle: 'Claims Manager',
    contactEmail: '[email protected]',
    contactPhone: '+1-555-123-4567',
    contactFax: '+1-555-765-4321',
    contactAddr1: '123 Main St',
    contactAddr2: 'Suite 456',
    contactCity: 'Los Angeles',
    contactState: 'CA',
    contactZip: '90001'

// or construct from an array
$data = [
    'claimid'        => '12345',
    'remote_claimid' => 'remote-claim-123',
    'contact_name'   => 'John Doe',
    'contact_title'  => 'Claims Manager',
    'contact_email'  => '[email protected]',
    'contact_phone'  => '+1-555-123-4567',
    'contact_fax'    => '+1-555-765-4321',
    'contact_addr_1' => '123 Main St',
    'contact_addr_2' => 'Suite 456',
    'contact_city'   => 'Los Angeles',
    'contact_state'  => 'CA',
    'contact_zip'    => '90001',

$claimAppealDto = ClaimAppealDTO::fromArray($data);


use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\DTO\ProviderEnrollmentDTO;

$providerEnrollmentDto = new ProviderEnrollmentDTO(
    payerId: 'payer-123',
    enrollType: 'era',
    provTaxId: '123456789',
    provNpi: '9876543210',
    provNameLast: 'Doe',
    provNameFirst: 'John',
    provNameMiddle: 'M',
    contact: 'Jane Smith',
    contactTitle: 'Billing Manager',
    contactEmail: '[email protected]',
    contactPhone: '+1-555-123-4567',
    contactFax: '+1-555-765-4321',
    provId: 'provider-id-123',
    provAddr1: '123 Main St',
    provAddr2: 'Suite 100',
    provCity: 'Los Angeles',
    provState: 'CA',
    provZip: '90001'

// or generate from an array
$data = [
    'payerid'        => 'payer-123',
    'enroll_type'    => 'era',
    'prov_taxid'     => '123456789',
    'prov_npi'       => '9876543210',
    'prov_name_l'    => 'Doe',
    'prov_name_f'    => 'John',
    'prov_name_m'    => 'M',
    'contact'        => 'Jane Smith',
    'contact_title'  => 'Billing Manager',
    'contact_email'  => '[email protected]',
    'contact_phone'  => '+1-555-123-4567',
    'contact_fax'    => '+1-555-765-4321',
    'prov_id'        => 'provider-id-123',
    'prov_addr_1'    => '123 Main St',
    'prov_addr_2'    => 'Suite 100',
    'prov_city'      => 'Los Angeles',
    'prov_state'     => 'CA',
    'prov_zip'       => '90001',

$providerEnrollmentDto = ProviderEnrollmentDTO::fromArray($data);


use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\DTO\EligibilityDTO;

$eligibilityDto = new EligibilityDTO(
    insLastName: 'Doe',
    insFirstName: 'John',
    payerId: 'payer-123',
    patientRelationship: '18',
    serviceDate: '20230920',
    providerNpi: '9876543210',
    providerTaxId: '123456789',
    insMiddleName: 'M',
    serviceCode: 'SC123',
    procCode: 'PC456',
    insNumber: 'INS987654',
    insDob: '19800101',
    insSex: 'M',
    patLastName: 'Smith',
    patFirstName: 'Jane',
    patMiddleName: 'K',
    patDob: '20100101',
    patSex: 'F',
    provNameLast: 'Doe',
    provNameFirst: 'Jane',
    provTaxonomy: '207Q00000X',
    provTaxIdType: 'E',
    provAddr1: '123 Main St',
    provCity: 'Los Angeles',
    provState: 'CA',
    provZip: '90001'

// or convert an array to DTO
$data = [
    'ins_name_l' => 'Doe',
    'ins_name_f' => 'John',
    'payerid' => 'payer-123',
    'pat_rel' => '18',
    'fdos' => '20230920',
    'prov_npi' => '9876543210',
    'prov_taxid' => '123456789',
    'ins_name_m' => 'M',
    'service_code' => 'SC123',
    'proc_code' => 'PC456',
    'ins_number' => 'INS987654',
    'ins_dob' => '19800101',
    'ins_sex' => 'M',
    'pat_name_l' => 'Smith',
    'pat_name_f' => 'Jane',
    'pat_name_m' => 'K',
    'pat_dob' => '20100101',
    'pat_sex' => 'F',
    'prov_name_l' => 'Doe',
    'prov_name_f' => 'Jane',
    'prov_taxonomy' => '207Q00000X',
    'prov_taxid_type' => 'E',
    'prov_addr_1' => '123 Main St',
    'prov_city' => 'Los Angeles',
    'prov_state' => 'CA',
    'prov_zip' => '90001',

$eligibilityDto = EligibilityDTO::fromArray($data);


use Nextvisit\ClaimMDWrapper\DTO\ERADTO;

$eraDto = new ERADTO(
    checkDate: '09-01-2023',
    receivedDate: 'today',
    receivedAfterDate: '08-01-2023',
    checkNumber: '123456',
    checkAmount: '1000.00',
    payerId: 'payer-123',
    npi: '9876543210',
    taxId: '123456789',
    newOnly: '1',
    eraId: 'ERA12345',
    page: '1'

// or convert an array to DTO
$data = [
    'CheckDate' => '09-01-2023',
    'ReceivedDate' => 'today',
    'ReceivedAfterDate' => '08-01-2023',
    'CheckNumber' => '123456',
    'CheckAmount' => '1000.00',
    'PayerID' => 'payer-123',
    'NPI' => '9876543210',
    'TaxID' => '123456789',
    'NewOnly' => '1',
    'ERAID' => 'ERA12345',
    'Page' => '1',

$eraDto = ERADTO::fromArray($data);

🀝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

πŸ“„ License

This package is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


An unofficial PHP SDK for the official CLAIM.MD API.








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