(Almost) everything you need for a fully-automated, locally-controlled home theater system.
- Request Management
- Web-based discovery portal
- IMDB Integration
- Trakt.tv List Integration
- Download clients with support for multiple protocols:
- Usenet
- Bittorrent (includes automatic OpenVPN integration)
- Synology Download Station
- Library management:
- TV Shows
- Movies
- Music
- eBooks
- Subtitles
The following routine can usually be accomplished, with zero human intervention after step 1, in about 15 to 30 minutes*.
User requests a title suggested by personalized recommendations in the request portal
The library manager receives the request and marks all parts of the tile as 'wanted', then begins searching using your choice of indexers (bitorrent or usenet).
When an eligible candidate is found, the download client is sent the request to fetch the title.
The library inventory is updated and renames the file(s) to a standard convention easily understood by Plex.
Plex scans the library file system and makes the title available in one of its libraries. Art, trailers, subtitles, and other metadata are downloaded.
Note: *Depending how fast and uncongested your internet connection is
The following Docker Compose profiles are available:
- default (prowlarr, sonarr, radarr)
- nzb (sabnzbd)
- bt (qbittorrent)
- music (lidarr)
- books (readarr)
- subs (bazarr)
- metrics (tautulli)
- requests* (overseer)
- admin (portainer)
- dashboard (organizr)
- opt (extra functionality)
Note: Petio is my personal recommendation for a request portal but we do not install it as a docker service here. Overseerr is a populat choice as well.
Use the *.env files as needed to customize the environment. The '.env' file, where it is a hidden-filed named 'env', is explicitly ignored from this repo. It applies to Docker compose itself, NOT the container instances themselves.