Aligner bowtie is used for alignment.
./bowtie-1.1.2/bowtie-build -f NC_000913_3.fna bowtie_nc000913_3
./bowtie-1.1.2/bowtie --phred33-quals -5 6 -3 15 -n 0 -l 30 -m 1 \
bowtie_nc000913_3 \
sampleID_5_prime_mNET_seq_data.fastq \
sampleID_5_prime_mNET_seq_Tf6t15N0L30M1_ec3_bowtieOut.txt \
2> sampleID_5_prime_mNET_seq_Tf6t15N0L30M1_ec3_bowtieStats.txt
-5 6
: trim off first 6bp-3 15
: trim off last 15bp (30bp left for alignment)-n 0
: maximum number of mismatch in seed is 0-l 30
: seed length is 30, which is equal to the trimmed read length-m 1
: Suppress all alignments for a particular read or pair if more than 1 reportable alignments exist for it. Only report uniquely aligned reads. Single reads aligned uniquely to both + and - strands will also be discarded.
./ 10 bowtie_output.txt count_stats.txt count_table.txt
Output format: Tab delimited. 3 fileds from left to right: TSS position (0-based), + strand read count, - strand read count.
Filter out reads started within the annotated tRNA regions. Python intervaltree package used in the script.
./ NC_000913_3.gff count_table.txt count_table_tRNAf_stats.txt count_table_tRNAf.txt NC_000913_3_tRNA.gff
Python script command:
./ count_table_tRNAf.txt NC_000913_3.fna call_tss_stats.txt tss_list.txt
Output fields are:
- TSS coordinate (first base is 0)
- Strand
- Sequence from upstream 50bp to downstream 50bp of TSS
- 4 - 14: Read counts from upstream 5bp to downstream 5bp.
- Type
and RETURN to get usage help of the script. - Genome coordinates are kept 0-based in all scripts.