Yazawa Nico Multipurpose Discord Bot
Yazawa Nico is a multipurpose bot with moderation, custom prefix, basic leveling, games and fun commands.
- Live 24/7 (except maintance)
- Constant development to add more features and fix bugs
- Ban, kick, warning and message purge moderation
- Custom prefix
- Greet and leave messages with custom channel settings
- Fun image commands; kiss, lick, niconii, pat and many more!
- A leveling and credit system for added fun!
- Marriage system
Mod-log features as follows:
- Channel creation
- Channel deletion
- User ban
- User ban revoke
- Message deletion
- User joined
- User left
Currently working on individual mod-log feature enable and disable each one.
Moderation commands as follows:
- Ban
- Kick
- Warn
- clear (up to 100 at a time)
- Set (Set allows the admin to set guild preferences)
Using Set to set guild preferences
<prefix>set <action> <value>
- Prefix is the guild's prefix for the bot
- Action is the key you want to modify. Such as: welcome channel or mod-log channel, etc.
- Value is the value you want to channel the key. Such as: welcome channel to channel ID.
Example: !set welcomechannel 3492830498249
For a complete list of set commands, view the help command. <prefix>help
You will need Node 8 or higher
npm install
and then you can run it by in the project's root
node index.js
Now you can edit the config.json file and run the bot locally
- discord.js
- enmap
- moment
- moment-duration-format
- chalk
- better-sqlite-pool
TOKEN = Bot TOken OWNER_ID = Discord ID APPLICATION_ID = Bot Client ID GUILD_ID = Test server guild ID ENV = development environment BE_URL = backend url TOPGG_TOKEN = Top.gg bot token
This is a fan-made project. All rights to the character Yazawa Nico are owned by the Love Live School Idol Project and parent/affiliate companies.
(c) Love Live School Idol Project for Yazawa Nico