- mvn clean
- mvn compile
- mvn install if required
- if the class analysed before is inside the project root directory, delete it.
- if exist, remove the older test file.
- Check the POM.xml file, to ensure the correctness of the path and the version of the tools.jar lib
- tools is a library belonging to JDK. The POM manage 'default' path (JAVA_HOME environment variable setted to JDK folder) for 'mac', 'windows' and 'unix' devices.
- 'dos', 'netware', 'os/2', 'tandem', 'win9x', 'z/os', 'os/400' and 'openvms' are not assessed.
- the library now is defined with the 1.8.0 version number, but it depends on the version installed on the device.
- remove/move etc -> they may create mistakes during the execution of the Maven commands
In general: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="primary.MainProgram"
On Windows: mvn exec:java -D"exec.mainClass"="primary.MainProgram" \
runner.sh contains a script to run the project \
- fill the .properties/.sh files with the proper values
- check all the paths
- the classpath can be found using the command 'mvn dependency:build-classpath' in the project dir. The classpath required in the .sh file is different from the classpath required in the .properties file.
- the second classpath is the same, but it will be eventually removed.