This is version 1.2.0 of the mappings for Ketenzorg 3.0.2 based input (HL7 V3) to MedMij Huisartsgegevens 2019.01 output (FHIR STU3/HCIMs 2017).
Release notes:
- Large refactoring efforts have led to a more centralized approach for HCIM conversion to FHIR. Name, Address, ContactData, Patient and more now have a central place in the folder zib2017
- (!!) There is a new XSL level parameter for masking of Burgerservicenummers (BSNs), as not all use cases require this. If you want to mask, please use paramater mask-ids with value 2.16.840.1.113883. rather than relyiing on the defaults
- Datatypes: where ValueSets for a given context specify NullFlavor, this will be transformed to a regular Coding, instead of the NullFlavor extension. Example: MedicationRequest.reasonCode
- Datatypes: when an Identifer is masked, the dataAbsentReason is written into the .value, instead of the top level
- Datatypes: quantity units that are supposed to be UCUM but aren't, are now returned in {}, which is a valid UCUM escape
- Datatypes: quantity value commas are converted into dots
- Datatypes: support for parametrized date/time. Relevant for Touchstone instances
- General: Bundle.entry now supports search.mode everywhere
- Patient: add support for Patient.address, Patient.telecom
- AllergyIntolerance: add support for .identifier
- AllergyIntolerance: leads to improved verificationStatus handling
- AllergyIntolerance: .assertedDate is now mapped onto .onsetDateTime. This is a semantically better fit
- Composition: (EncounterReport) is now built differently. It used to list the main complaint. Now simply says "Contactverslag [patient name]"
- Episodes: fixed broken link to the Condition by adding the appropriate entry to the Bundle
- Condition: improved .clicnicalStatus handling. No longer assumes active unless input is specific
- zib-BodyWeight: fixed missing .performer element