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SpigotMC - over 4800 downloads (22/02/2025).
Modrinth - 5 downloads (22/02/2025).
GitHub - 8 stars (22/02/2025).


This is a plugin for a minecraft server. It allows you to add players for a certain time or permanently.

The plugin is developed and tested for Paper 1.20.x-1.21.x. It also supports Folia and Paper forks.


  • Fully customizable.
  • Supports MiniMessage.
  • Compatible with any SQL database.
  • Case-sensitive nickname support.
  • Player freezing feature.
  • PlaceholderAPI (PAPI) support.
  • Lightweight: minimal load on the main thread.
  • Multi-server support: utilizes SQL transactions.
  • Safe: the code is extensively covered by automated tests.

Commands and Permissions

Command Permission
/whitelist add [nickname] (time) whitelistbytime.add
/whitelist remove [nickname] whitelistbytime.remove
/whitelist check [nickname] whitelistbytime.check
/whitelist checkme whitelistbytime.checkme
/whitelist time set/add/remove [nickname] [time] whitelistbytime.time
/whitelist getall (page) whitelistbytime.getall
/whitelist freeze [nickname] [time] whitelistbytime.freeze


  • [nickname] - required argument.
  • (page) - list page number; defaults to 1 if not specified.
  • (time) - the duration for which the player will be whitelisted.
    Example: 2d 3h 10m.
    Leave empty to whitelist permanently.


All output messages can be customized in the configuration.

  • %wlbytime_in_whitelist% - Indicates if a player is in the whitelist.
  • %wlbytime_time_left% - Time remaining in the whitelist.


  1. Why is the plugin file size large?
    It includes libraries such as ORMLite (database), Caffeine (cache), bStats (metrics), and Elytrium-Serializer (config handling).

  2. I have an issue or a suggestion. Where should I report it?
    Open an issue in this repository with a detailed description. Any feedback is welcome!

  3. Will there be support for BungeeCord/Velocity?
    No, the plugin is being developed exclusively for Paper and Folia.

Configs by default


#Automatically unfreeze player time when they join the server if their time is frozen
unfreeze-time-on-player-join: false

#Enable the expiration monitor, which checks players' expiration status
expire-monitor-enabled: true
#Interval in milliseconds for the expiration monitor to check players and remove them from the database if expired
expire-monitor-interval-ms: 5000

#Enable the last join monitor, which checks players' last join timestamps
last-join-monitor-enabled: false
#Threshold in seconds between the player's last join and the current time. If exceeded, the player is removed by the monitor
last-join-expiration-threshold-seconds: 2678400
#Interval in milliseconds for the last join monitor to check players and remove them if their last join exceeds the threshold
last-join-monitor-interval-ms: 3600000

#Enable case-sensitive nickname checking
nickname-case-sensitive: true

#Symbols representing time units for years
  - "y"
#Symbols representing time units for months
  - "mo"
#Symbols representing time units for weeks
  - "w"
#Symbols representing time units for days
  - "d"
#Symbols representing time units for hours
  - "h"
#Symbols representing time units for minutes
  - "m"
#Symbols representing time units for seconds
  - "s"


#'sqlite' or 'mysql'
type: "sqlite"

#If not sqlite or h2
address: "localhost:3030"
name: "wlbytime"

#Params for connection
  - "autoReconnect=true"

#If using user and password
use-user-and-password: false
user: "user"
password: "qwerty123"


placeholders-enabled: false

#%wlbytime_in_whitelist% - In whitelist or not or frozen
in-whitelist-true: ""
in-whitelist-false: ""
frozen: "❄️"

#%wlbytime_time_left% - How much is left in whitelist
forever: ""
time-left: "%time%"
time-left-with-freeze: "❄️%time%❄️"


not-permission: "You do not have permission!"
incorrect-arguments: "Incorrect argument(s)"

you-not-in-whitelist-or-frozen-kick: "Sorry, but you are not in whitelist or frozen"

player-removed-from-whitelist: "%nickname% successfully removed from whitelist"
player-already-in-whitelist: "%nickname% already in whitelist"
player-not-in-whitelist: "%nickname% not in whitelist"
check-me-not-in-whitelist: "You are not in whitelist"
check-me-frozen: "You are frozen for %time%"

#For command with time
successfully-added-for-time: "%nickname% added to whitelist for %time%"
check-still-in-whitelist-for-time: "%nickname% will be in whitelist still %time%"
check-me-still-in-whitelist-for-time: "You will remain on the whitelist for %time%"

#For command without time
successfully-added: "%nickname% added to whitelist forever"
check-still-in-whitelist: "%nickname% will be in whitelist forever"
check-me-still-in-whitelist-forever: "You are permanently whitelisted"

list-header: "> Whitelist:"
list-element: "| %nickname% [%time-or-status%]"
list-empty: "Whitelist is empty"
list-footer: "Page %page% / %max-page% (To show another page run /whitelist getall <page>)"
page-not-exists: "Page %page% not exists, max page is %max-page%"

#How many records will be displayed per page
entries-for-page: 10

#For '%time-or-status%' in list
forever: "forever"
frozen: "frozen for %time%"
active: "active for %time%"
expired: "expired"

set-time: "Now %nickname% will be in whitelist for %time%"
add-time: "Added %time% to %nickname%"
remove-time: "Removed %time% from %nickname%"
cant-add-time-cause-player-is-forever: "Can't add time cause %nickname% is forever"
cant-remove-time-cause-player-is-forever: "Can't add time cause %nickname% is forever"
time-is-incorrect: "Time is incorrect"
cant-add-time: "Can't add time"
cant-remove-time: "Can't remove time"

player-frozen: "Player %nickname% frozen for %time%"
player-already-frozen: "Player %nickname% already frozen"
player-expired: "Player %nickname% expired"

  - "> WhitelistByTime - Help"
  - "| /whitelist add [nickname] (time)"
  - "| /whitelist remove [nickname]"
  - "| /whitelist check [nickname]"
  - "| /whitelist checkme"
  - "| /whitelist getall"
  - "| /whitelist freeze [nickname] [time]"
  - "| /whitelist time set/add/remove [nickname] [time]"
  - "| (time) - time for which the player will be added to the whitelist"
  - "| Example: 2d 3h 10m"
  - "| Leave this value empty if you want to add player forever"


BStats Statistics are obtained through bstats metrics.