Scarne’s Dice is a turn-based dice game where players score points by rolling a die and then:
if they roll a 1, score no points and lose their turn if they roll a 2 to 6: add the rolled value to their points choose to either reroll or keep their score and end their turn The winner is the first player that reaches (or exceeds) 100 points.
For example, if a player starts their turn and rolls a 6, they can choose to either ‘hold’ and end their turn, in which case they can add the 6 to their score, or to reroll and potentially score more points.
Let’s say they decide to roll again, and they get a 4. They now have the option to end their turn and add 10 points (6 + 4) to their score, or to roll again to get even more points.
They decide to roll again, but get a 1. Getting a 1 makes the player lose all the points from their turn (so their score is the same as before their turn), and finishes their turn, allowing the second player to begin their turn.
This goes on until one of the players reaches 100 points or more.