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4.1 Search button over card text

NikolayHD edited this page Aug 4, 2018 · 1 revision

When you hover a mouse over card text you can see a Search icon. It is in most cases followed by Sort icon.


Search button purpose

By clicking Search icon you modify the search text. For example, if you click Search icon over card's mana cost you will see something like

ManaCost: \{3\}\{W\}\{W\}

added to your search string. As a result the search result will only show cards that have mana cost {3}{W}{W}


Clicking Search button several times

By clicking the button on the same field of the same card you repeat adding / removing the term to search input.

When you click different cards or different fields you are adding more cards to search result. This is because when no logical operator such as AND, OR is used then default operator OR is applied.

By Shift+Clicking Search button you can instead narrow down search result. It is achiveved by adding terms with + operator which is almost equivalent to AND.

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