You can think of it as a math library that students make up with notes. It's to simple that I don't think anyone will use it. But I will keep writing notes.
This is an easy-to-use header-only math library. It covers many usage classes and functions, including vector, matrix and quaternion classes and also transformation functions like translate, rotate, scale and many useful functions.
Many useful template classes are provided.
- vec vector
- mat matrix
- qua quaternion
- ...
// vec template
using MyVec = mathpls::vec<float, 5>;
// vec declaration
mathpls::vec3 v3 = {1.f, 0, 0}; // vec defaultly ues float as data type
mathpls::vec3 v3_1 = {1.f}; // {1, 1, 1}
mathpls::dvec2 dv2 = {2., 3.}; // double vec
mathpls::ivec4 iv4 = {1, 2, 3, 4} // int vec
// normalize vec
auto nv3_1 = mathpls::normalize(v3); // 1, return a normalized vec
auto nv3_2 = v3.normalized(); // 2, the same as 1
v3.normal() // 3, normalize itself
// length
auto len = v3.length();
// mat template
using MyMat = mathpls::mat<float, 2, 3>; // W2H3 matrix
// mat declaration
mat3 mi{}; // identity matrix
mat3 m3_2{2.f} // {[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 2]}
mat3 m{
vec3{1.f, 1.f, 4.f, 5.f}
Mathpls also provides a simple random system
// random engine
mathpls::mt19937 emt{114};
mathpls::rand_sequence esq{514};
// random vec
vec3 rv3 = rand_vec3();
auto rMyVec = rand_vec<float, 5>();