curl -fsSL -o
Download or copy the File from this repository. Then edit it to fit your needs. I will also provide how i use them normally further down below. If you need multiple of these modules you should merge these files together. Also if you merge them define CONTAINER_NAME in the file. It makes things easier.
If your file is not named docker-compose.yaml you need the flag -f with a Filename. If you want to run it in detached mode add the -d Flag. It could look like this:
docker compose -f <FILENAME> up -d
If you started the Postgres container in detached mode you can access it with the following command:
docker exec -it <CONTAINER_NAME|CONTAINER_ID> psql -U postgres -d <DATABASE>
You just need to replace the CONTAINER_NAME with the name of the container or
the CONTAINER_ID with the ID of the container.
You can look up the CONTAINER_ID with the command docker ps