🔭 I’m currently working on NBI Inventory
🌱 I’m currently learning ReactJS, VueJS
💬 Ask me about C, C#, LUA, Javascript, MySQL, Ruby, Capybara, Selenium Web driver.
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
🔭 I’m currently working on NBI Inventory
🌱 I’m currently learning ReactJS, VueJS
💬 Ask me about C, C#, LUA, Javascript, MySQL, Ruby, Capybara, Selenium Web driver.
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
Forked from mixzira/ZIRIXV3
Uma base vRPex para FiveM, desenvolvida pela equipe ZIRAFLIX em conjunto a scripts da comunidade.
Forked from felipecoder/weapons-on-back
A GTA V (FiveM) script that will make certain weapons show up on a player's back if they have it in their weapon wheel.
Lua 1