This release is intended as default BLOM/iHAMOCC component for NorESM2.5.
Release highlights
- BLOM refactorization
- Include support for 0.5 degree grid resolution
package | tag |
CVMix | v0.98-beta |
M4AGO | v1.1.1 |
Component (updated/not updated) relative to v1.6.1
What's Changed
- refacotorization of blom code by @mvertens in #317
- Disable CI test for macos with openmp by @TomasTorsvik in #359
- new mechanism for configuring noresm to send dms and bromo from ocn -> atm by @mvertens in #360
- bug fixes by @mvertens in #362
- Fix single column compilation issue after BLOM restructuring by @jmaerz in #366
- Hamocc kwrbioz off - enable remin and primary prod throughout full water column by @jmaerz in #367
- Bodner et al. (2023) parameterization for mixed layer restratification by @matsbn in #371
- Corrected some bugs when using MCT by @matsbn in #372
- New ocn2glc capability by @mvertens in #368
- More transparent co2 gas-exchange formulation by @JorgSchwinger in #370
- Fixes having BLOM run with newer version of CMEPS and fixes threading compilation by @mvertens in #374
- add 05degree blom by @mvertens in #377
- Climatology stream checksums only when requested by @matsbn in #381
- Added channel modifications for the tnx0.5v1 grid. by @matsbn in #382
- Improved backward compatibility of restart by @matsbn in #385
- Feature hybrid enhancements 5 by @matsbn in #375
- Include separate testdefs category aux_hamocc_noresm by @TomasTorsvik in #389
- Change M4AGO tag to dev-1.0.1 by @TomasTorsvik in #393
- Remain with cyanobacteria only in euphotic zone. by @jmaerz in #396
- Making preformed tracers optional to enable HR runs without them by @jmaerz in #394
- fix initialization of sedfluxb by @JorgSchwinger in #401
- update dms exchange and simplify file opens by @mvertens in #403
- Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) code refactorization by @matsbn in #388
- use only submodules for noresm checkout by @mvertens in #407
- Add glc runoff to blom from cmeps by @mvertens in #408
- replaced imp.load_source with importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader by @mvertens in #412
- always obtain ndep from datm or cam using cmeps/cdeps by @mvertens in #410
- Introduce if statement in N-deposition also for default iHAMOCC by @jmaerz in #417
- Adjust pkgs meson file for transitioning M4AGO by @jmaerz in #414
- Bugfix DNRA and introduce max_limiter by @jmaerz in #413
- Dust fluxes output and add descriptions in the xml-namelist file by @jmaerz in #420
- Revert setting of use_ARCTIC variable by @TomasTorsvik in #425
- More efficient PE layout for NOINYOC compset by @JorgSchwinger in #391
- Introduce switch dor T- and O2-dependent remineralization by @jmaerz in #424
- Change placement of LTO2depremin switch by @jmaerz in #427
- workaround for upper/lower case issue for namelist entry lTO2depremin by @JorgSchwinger in #429
- Introduce shelf-sea water residence time tracer acc. to Liu et al 2019 by @jmaerz in #426
- Technical git/gitHub update: master branch by @TomasTorsvik in #435
- Remove redundant OMP call by @TomasTorsvik in #422
- Enforce a range of layer interfaces to constant minimum pressure levels for BLOM hybrid vertical coordinate by @matsbn in #432
- New compsets for JRA forcing and fix for PE layout by @JorgSchwinger in #431
- Modified compsets with JRA interannual forcing to use year range 1958-2018 by @matsbn in #437
- Modified setting of vertical coordinate and vertical dimension by @matsbn in #384
- Always allocate shelfmask array by @TomasTorsvik in #441
- minor corrections to new JRA compsets by @JorgSchwinger in #442
- Revert moving hamocc tests to separate directory by @TomasTorsvik in #445
- Add info about branch structure in README.md file by @TomasTorsvik in #447
- Add error message if user_nl_blom includes hash comments by @TomasTorsvik in #451
- Add time attributes to be cdo/xr-conform by @jmaerz in #449
- Add N2 compset for NOINYOC that still uses isopycnic coordinates by @JorgSchwinger in #452
- Update constants K1 and K2 for carbon chemistry by @JorgSchwinger in #446
- Fix CI test system by @TomasTorsvik in #456
- Temperature- and O2-dependent sediment remineralization by @jmaerz in #454
- Increase value of sediment POC degradation constant by @JorgSchwinger in #464
- Fix some namelist parameters for tnx2v1 grid by @JorgSchwinger in #463
- Update M4AGO scheme to version v1.1.1 (equivalent to dev-1.1.1) by @jmaerz in #460
- add git fleximod support to .gitmodules by @jmaerz in #466
Full Changelog: v1.6.1...v1.7.0