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BLOM iHAMOCC test cases

Tomas Torsvik edited this page Jun 15, 2021 · 3 revisions

After successfully building the code it can be a good idea to test that the code behaves as expected and changes to the code does not affect the output.

Tests can be run with the following:

$ meson test -C builddir

The previous command will run all the test suites defined for BLOM. To run tests quicker one can select a few tests to run or just a single test suite. To list the available tests run meson test -C builddir --list. One can then run a single test with:

$ meson test -C builddir "run single_column"

single column


The fuk95 test case is a periodic channel experiment with configuration and initial conditions from Fukamachi et al. (1995) and further elaborated in Eldevik and Dysthe (2002).


Yasushi Fukamachi, Julian P. McCreary Jr., Jeffrey A. Proehl (1995). Instability of density fronts in layer and continuously stratified models, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 100(C2), 2559-2577. DOI:

Eldevik, T., & Dysthe, K. B. (2002). Spiral Eddies, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32(3), 851-869. DOI:<0851:SE>2.0.CO;2

fuk95: sea surface temperature, 10 day evolution

fuk95: sea surface temperature
