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Pull test tbd

Pull test tbd #1

Workflow file for this run

name: find modified files and check copyright information
branches: [ feature/copyright-check ]
name: run_when_pr_is_merged
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
pull-requests: write
contents: write
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Get modified files
id: modified-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v40
- name: List all changed files contain Copyright Info
run: |
current_year=$(date +'%Y')
echo "All the following changed contains Copyright Info:"
for file in ${{ steps.modified-files.outputs.all_changed_files }}; do
# exclude all jsp files
if [[ "${file}" != *.jsp ]]; then
# check if file contain single year copyright info
if grep -qE 'Copyright [0-9]{4} Norconex Inc\.' "$file"; then
echo "$file: Single year Copyright"
#Check if the existing year found is the current year
year_in_file=$(grep -oP 'Copyright \K[0-9]{4}' "$file")
if [ "$year_in_file" != "$current_year" ]; then
# Append current year to the existing copyright info in each file
sed -i "s/Copyright $year_in_file Norconex Inc./Copyright $year_in_file-$current_year Norconex Inc./g" "$file"
echo "File that has been modified: ${file}"
echo " "
echo "Top 20 lines of ${file} after modified:"
head -n 20 "${file}"
echo "End of File "
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Skipping replacement in ${file} because the year is already the current year."
echo " "
echo "Top 20 lines of ${file}:"
head -n 20 "${file}"
echo "End of File "
echo ""
# check if file contain range year copyright info
elif grep -qE 'Copyright [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4} Norconex Inc\.' "$file"; then
echo "$file: Range year Copyright"
# Extract the second year from the copyright info
second_year=$(grep -oE 'Copyright [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4} Norconex Inc\.' "${file}" | sed -n 's/.*-\([0-9]\{4\}\) Norconex Inc\./\1/p')
# Check if the second year is not equal to the current year, if so replace the 2nd year with the current year
if [ "${second_year}" != "$(date +'%Y')" ]; then
sed -i "s/Copyright \([0-9]\{4\}\)-\([0-9]\{4\}\) Norconex Inc\./Copyright \1-$(date +'%Y') Norconex Inc./" "${file}"
# Display the Top 20 lines of the modified file
echo ""
echo "File that has been modified: ${file}"
echo ""
echo "Top 20 lines of ${file} after replacement:"
head -n 20 "${file}"
echo "End of File"
echo ""
echo "Skipping replacement in ${file} because the second year is already the current year."
echo "$file doesn't contains Copyright Info"
echo "Copyright Info will be added"
# check if file type is java file
if [[ "${file}" == *.java ]]; then
echo ""
echo "$file is Java file"
echo ""
cat .github/workflows/copyright-headers/java_file.txt $file > tmp.txt
echo ""
mv tmp.txt $file
echo "Top 20 lines of ${file}:"
head -n 20 "${file}"
echo "End of File"
echo ""
# check if file type is batch file
elif [[ "${file}" == *.bat ]]; then
echo "$file is a batch file"
echo ""
sed -e '/@echo off/ {' -e 'r .github/workflows/copyright-headers/bat_file.txt' -e 'd' -e '}' -i $file
echo ""
echo "Top 20 lines of ${file}:"
head -n 20 "${file}"
echo "End of File"
# check if file type is shell file
elif [[ "${file}" == *.sh ]]; then
echo "$file is a batch file"
echo ""
sed -e '/#!\/bin\/bash/ {' -e 'r .github/workflows/copyright-headers/sh_file.txt' -e 'd' -e '}' -i $file
echo ""
echo "Top 20 lines of ${file}:"
head -n 20 "${file}"
echo "End of File"
# check if file type is xml file
elif [[ "${file}" == *.xml ]]; then
echo "$file is a xml file"
echo ""
cat .github/workflows/copyright-headers/xml_file.txt $file > tmp.txt
echo ""
mv tmp.txt $file
echo "Top 20 lines of ${file}:"
head -n 20 "${file}"
echo "End of File"
# check if file type is html file
elif [[ "${file}" == *.html ]]; then
echo "$file is a html file"
echo ""
cat .github/workflows/copyright-headers/html_file.txt $file > tmp.txt
echo ""
mv tmp.txt $file
echo "Top 20 lines of ${file}:"
head -n 20 "${file}"
echo "End of File"
# check if file type is yml or yaml file
elif [[ "${file}" == *.yml || "${file}" == *.yaml ]]; then
echo "$file is a yml/yaml file"
echo ""
cat .github/workflows/copyright-headers/yml_file.txt $file > tmp.txt
echo ""
mv tmp.txt $file
echo "Top 20 lines of ${file}:"
head -n 20 "${file}"
echo "End of File"
echo "$file is in other format"
echo "$file is in jsp format, will skip checking."
- name: Upload Modified Files
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5
commit_message: Apply Copyright year changes