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Releases: NordicESMhub/docker-climate-notebook

Version 1.4 Galaxy Climate JupyterLab

18 Mar 14:05
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  • Fix bug with USER (not defined) for running FATES and/or CESM models.
  • Add esmf with mpi

Version 1.3 Galaxy Climate JupyterLab

15 Mar 21:45
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  • Base image is now scipy notebook so that we can have pangeo notebook by default.
  • Remove additional kernels (julia, R) as there were not specific to climate (no specific packages).
  • Created a new container with updated versions of packages for Pangeo, cesm and esmvaltool.

Interactive Climate Notebook (Galaxy Version 0.2)

16 Feb 20:20
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Interactive Climate Notebook (Galaxy Version 0.2)

The Climate Notebook is based on Jupyter an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and much more.

Galaxy offers you to use Jupyter Notebooks directly in Galaxy accessing and interacting with Galaxy datasets as you like. A very common use-case is to do the heavy lifting and data reduction steps in Galaxy and the plotting and more interactive part on smaller datasets in Jupyter.

You can start with a new Jupyter notebook from scratch or load an already existing one, e.g. from your collegue and execute it on your dataset. If you have a defined input dataset you can even execute a Jupyter notebook in a workflow, given that the notebook is writing the output back to the history.

You can import data into the notebook via a predefined get() function and write results back to Galaxy with a put() function.

The Climate version of the Jupyter Notebook offers a lot of preinstalled tools for climate science. The list of packages is based on what is available
on the Pangeo platform and Pangeo stacks.
Core scipy packages: numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas, xarray, sparse and sympy

Data science: scikit-image, scikit-learn, dask-ml, tensorflow, keras, pytorch-cpu, dask_labextension

Visualization: holoviews, panel, geoviews, hvplot, geoviews, datashader, seaborn, altair, descartes, folium, vega,
vega_datasets, palettable, cmocean,plotly, psy-maps, psy-reg, psyplot, psyplot-gui, psy-maps, psy-reg,
geopy, branca

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Geospatial: iris, cartopy, basemap, basemap-data-hires, geopandas, rasterio, netcdf4, erddapy, pydap, h5py, h5netcdf, regionmask and rio-cogeo
Geoscience related: climlab, metpy, satpy, gsw, eofs, esmpy, xesmf, windspharm, rasterstats, geojsoncontour
Climate related: pyaerocom, cdo, cdsapi, cfgrib, cis. esmvaltool, nc-time-axis, nco
Intake related: intake, intake-xarray, intake-esm, fsspec and intake-stac
zarr related: zarr, numcodecs, python-blosc, lz4, gcsfs, s3fs, tiledb-py

jupyter related: ipyleaflet, papermill, jupytext, ipydatawidgets, sidecar

xarray related: xgcm, xrft, xhistogram, xlrd, xrviz, climpred, pytide, pyinterp

misc: python-wget, prefect, requests, pillow, pip, nbgitpuller, pysplit, biopython, bioblend and galaxy-ie-helpers

Optimised Galaxy Climate Analysis docker container

26 Nov 09:40
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Same set of packages but it produces a slightly smaller docker container because several RUN commands were grouped together.

Galaxy Climate Analysis docker container

23 Nov 16:10
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Added information specific to climate docker