Example usage in Storyblok with demo components
Copy packages/vsf-storyblok-module
to vue-storefront/src/modules
Add the following to vue-storefront/src/modules/index.ts
import { StoryblokModule } from './vsf-storyblok-module';
export function registerClientModules () {
Note: To get routing working you can use this module: https://github.com/kodbruket/vsf-mapping-fallback/
"storyblok": {
"endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/api/ext/vsf-storyblok-extension"
See the /theme
folder for a demo implementation.
Notable paths:
- Directory with a few demo componentsindex.js
- How to register components
To be used with the Weblink/Storylink
field type (https://www.storyblok.com/docs/terminology/field-type)
<sb-link :link="item.link">{{ item.title }}</sb-link>
Wrapper around the Storyblok Image Server API - https://www.storyblok.com/docs/image-service
Height in pixels
Width in pixels
Original path to image from Image
Field Type
If set to true you can instead use this component as a div with background. Example: <sb-img :src="item.background">My content here</sb-img>
A smart filter that crops around the focal point, which is determined by a smart algorithm
The fit-in argument specifies that the image should not be auto-cropped but auto-resized (shrunk) to fit inside an imaginary box of width and height, instead.
Array of filters to apply. For example <sb-img :src="item.imageSrc" :width="800" :height="200" :fit-in="true" :filters="['fill(CCCCCC)', 'format(png)']" />
If true the image will be lazy loaded. Does not work if div
is true
Parse and convert the Storyblok RichText field into html - https://www.storyblok.com/docs/richtext-field
<sb-rich-text :text="item.myRichTextField" />
JSON object from Storyblok RichText field
Copy packages/vsf-storyblok-extension
to vue-storefront-api/src/api/extensions
"registeredExtensions": ["vsf-storyblok-extension"],
"storyblok": {
"previewToken": "__API_KEY_HERE__",
"hookSecret": "__SECRET_CHANGE_ME__",
"invalidate": "http://localhost:3000/invalidate?tag=storyblok&key=aeSu7aip"
Go to https://app.storyblok.com/#!/me/spaces/YOUR_SPACE_ID/edit?tab=api
and generate a preview token.
On the backend we use it to fetch posts when the webhook is polled. In the UI it's used for the preview functionality in Storyblok.
The URL the UI tries to fetch stories from
If set to true it will append the x-vs-store-code
to the storyblok url. E.g. www.mysite.dk/foo with x-vs-store-code=dk
would request the story /dk/foo
If this field is defined you have to provide this secret as a query param for your webhook. For example:
would be
from our example config above. The secret is never needed in development mode.
URL to call after hook has been called
To sync all posts there's a hook available at http://localhost:8080/api/ext/vsf-storyblok-extension/hook
Follow the Storyblok documentation to enable it: https://www.storyblok.com/docs/Guides/using-storyblok-webhooks
git clone http://github.com/kodbruket/vsf-storyblok-sync.git
cd vsf-storyblok-sync
make submodules
docker-compose up
Visit http://localhost:3000/ci to see it in action
make start-db submodules bundle start e2e