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Documentation for the Society Backend

cwkang1998 edited this page Mar 28, 2018 · 5 revisions

Society app

Available endpoints

### Events
GET          event/            Filters: title              get all the events
GET          event/{:id}                                   get the specific event
POST         event/                                        create an event
PUT,PATCH    event/{:id}                                   Update an event
DELETE       event/{:id}                                   Delete an event

### Event-Time
GET          event-time/                                    get all the events-time
GET          event-time/{:id}                               get the specific event-time
POST         event-time/                                    create an event-time
PUT,PATCH    event-time/{:id}                               Update an event-time
DELETE       event-time/{:id}                               Delete an event-time

### Participant(Event participants)
GET          participant/      Filters:username, event_id   get all the participants
GET          participant/{:id}                              get the specific participant
POST         participant/                                   create a participant
PUT,PATCH    participant/{:id}                              Update a participant
DELETE       participant/{:id}                              Delete a participant

### Club
GET          club/             Filters:club_name            get all the clubs
GET          club/{:id}                                     get the specific club
POST         club/                                          create a club
PUT,PATCH    club/{:id}                                     Update a club
DELETE       club/{:id}                                     Delete a club

### Member(Club Members)
GET          member/                                        get all the members
GET          member/{:id}                                   get the specific member
POST         member/                                        create a member
PUT,PATCH    member/{:id}                                   Update a member
DELETE       member/{:id}                                   Delete a member

### Attendance(Event attendence)
GET          attendance/                                    get all the attendances
GET          attendance/{:id}                               get the specific attendance
POST         attendance/                                    create a attendance
PUT,PATCH    attendance/{:id}                               Update a attendance
DELETE       attendance/{:id}                               Delete a attendance

Note: All of these endpoints require an authorization header with the bearer token.

To know what values and parameters the endpoint takes, please ask the backend team or send a OPTION request to the endpoints to have a gists. Update to this documentation must be made asap.

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