This is a GatsbyJS plugin that displays a badge on the page giving information about the ecological impact of the page consulted.
It is simply a plugin that will load a javascript created and hosted by Simon Vandaele.
The calculation functions come from GreenIT-Analysis GNU Affero General Public License AGPL v3 / Copyright (C) 2019 [email protected]
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Install via npm or yarn
npm install gatsby-plugin-ecoindexbadge --save
yarn add gatsby-plugin-ecoindexbadge
Just add the plugin to the plugins array in your gatsby-config.js
plugins: {
plugins: {
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-ecoindexbadge',
options: {
mode: 'manual', // 'external' / 'manual' default:'external'
tells the plugin to load the GreenIT community JavaScript library instead of using the internal EcoindexBadge
Simply in your configuration file gatsby-config.js
load the plugin like this:
plugins: {
- Configure the plugin like this (otherwise you will have several badges!):
plugins: {
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-ecoindexbadge',
options: {
mode: 'manual', // 'external' / 'manual' default:'external'
Mode :
calling and using the GreenIT library (default mode)manual
use of internal calculation [loading of GreenIT library disabled(*)] and you have to add the component yourself, see point 2.
(*) Good practice: The manual
mode should be used only if the use of the external library causes bugs or conflicts with other libraries.
- Import the component:
import { EcoindexBadge } from 'gatsby-plugin-ecoindexbadge';
- In your code insert the component with the language to be displayed:
<EcoindexBadge lang='EN|FR' />