An implementation of distributed structure expansion/reduction(SER) and structure transfer (STRUT) model transfer algorithm(see Dataset used in the paper could be downloaded here.
- Spark 2.3.0
- Java 8
- Scala 2.11
To reproduce expriment results in the original paper using DSSM, first prepare the dataset stated in the paper. A direct download link will be provided later.
DSSM is build as a Spark ML library, feel free to use it as a component inside your ML pipeline. For example, you could:
// Load data from any datasource that spark supports.
// Here we load data from HDFS cluster as an example.
val data =
.option("header", "true")
.option("inferSchema", true)
.withColumnRenamed("gt", "class")
.filter("class != 'null'")
// Then we define some commonly used ML pipeline components,
// more information could be found here
val trainLabelIndexer = new StringIndexer()
val transferLabelIndexer = new StringIndexer()
val trainAssembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols( => s != "class").toArray)
val transferAssembler = trainAssembler
// Next we define a SourceRandomForestClassifier, used as our source random forest
// which is going to be transferred later
val rf = new SourceRandomForestClassifier()
rf.setFeaturesCol { trainAssembler.getOutputCol }
.setLabelCol { trainLabelIndexer.getOutputCol }
// (Optional)You can choose which Impurity function to use and tune some hyper-parameters
// according to your need
treeType match {
case TreeType.SER => rf.setImpurity("entropy")
case TreeType.STRUT => rf.setImpurity("entropy").setMinInfoGain(0.03) // prevent over fitting
case TreeType.MIX => rf.setImpurity("entropy")
// Combine components into a pipeline
val trainPipeline = new Pipeline()
.setStages(Array(trainLabelIndexer, trainAssembler, rf))
// Train the source pipeline and calculate results
val srcAcc = Utils.trainAndTest(trainPipeline, source, test, berr, timer, "src")
if (srcOnly) {
println(s"Src err:$srcAcc")
return srcAcc
// Next we preform transfer learning steps on the trained model
// Here you can shooes which classifier to use.
// SERClassifier stands for distributed SER
// STRUTClassifier stands for distributed STRUT
// MixClassifier stands for distributed MIX
val classifier = treeType match {
case TreeType.SER => new SERClassifier(rf.model)
case TreeType.STRUT => new STRUTClassifier(rf.model)
case TreeType.MIX => new MixClassifier(rf.model)
.setFeaturesCol { trainAssembler.getOutputCol }
.setLabelCol { trainLabelIndexer.getOutputCol }
.setMaxDepth { maxDepth }
.setSeed { seed }
// (Optional)Again tune some hyper-parameters
treeType match {
case TreeType.SER => classifier.setImpurity("entropy")
case TreeType.STRUT => classifier.setImpurity("entropy")
case TreeType.MIX => classifier.setImpurity("entropy")
val transferPipeline = new Pipeline()
.setStages(Array(transferLabelIndexer, transferAssembler, classifier))
// Finally, perform the actual transfer learning procedure and print the result
val transferAcc = Utils.trainAndTest(transferPipeline, target, test, berr, timer, "transfer")
println(s"SrcOnly err:$srcAcc, $treeType err:$transferAcc")
- More example usage could be found in HHAR.scala and DSSM.scala