Cookie information dialog used to show a short text about, the use of cookies for the website, due to european laws.
Written in pure Vanilla JS, it has no dependencies. It ships with a sample LESS file, for easy implementation with the novicell-frontend setup. Use the styles for inspiration and then make your own styles.
npm install novicell-cookie-info --save
First make some HTML using the these id's, for the JS to work:
<button class="cookie-info-open" id="js-cookie-info-open">
<section class="cookie-info" id="js-cookie-info">
<div class="cookie-info__content">
<button class="cookie-info__close" id="js-cookie-info-close">×</button>
<p class="cookie-info__text">We're using cookies on this website, is that OK with you?</p>
<button class="cookie-info__accept button" id="js-cookie-info-accept">Fine with me :)</button>
<button class="cookie-info__decline button" id="js-cookie-info-decline">Me no likie :(</button>
Then include the js file in your js bundle or in your HTML:
JS bundle
scripts: [
vendorPath + "novicell-cookie-info/js/novicell.cookieinfo.js"
<script src="/node_modules/novicell-cookie-info/js/novicell.cookieinfo.js"></script>
Then call the init
-method from your master.js
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
If you need to withdraw the cookie consent, you can call the declineCookieInfo
like this:
<span onclick="novicell.cookieInfo.declineCookieInfo()">Withdraw your consent of cookies, on this webpage</span>
When extending the script, make sure to make a singleton for the novicell
and the novicell.cookieInfo
objects before adding your own methods.
'use strict';
var novicell = novicell || {};
novicell.cookieInfo = novicell.cookieInfo || {};
novicell.cookieInfo.extentions = novicell.cookieInfo.extentions || new function () {
this.test = function() {
Next you need to include your js-files in your js bundle or in your HTML, and then call the init
-method from your master.js
Make sure to load you:
JS bundle
scripts: [
vendorPath + "novicell-cookie-info/js/novicell.cookieinfo.js"
projectPath + "/components/novicell.cookieinfo.extentions.js"
<script src="/node_modules/novicell-cookie-info/js/novicell.cookieinfo.js"></script>
<script src="/scripts/components/novicell.cookieinfo.extentions.js"></script>
Then call the test
-method from your master.js
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {