Package and prepare your module for distribution - effortlessly
Use it as a CLI tool in your terminal. It will compile and minify your JavaScript module. Supports ES2015 tree shaking.
Requires NPM version 7.6.0 or higher
Install novicell-packager globally
npm install -g novicell-packager
Simply run 'novicell-packager' terminal command inside root folder of your project. Then follow the interface options.
# Run command
# Answer following questions
? File name: src/scripts/app.js
Output formats:
- amd – Asynchronous Module Definition. More about amd..
- cjs – CommonJS, often uses module.exports syntax. Suitable for Nodejs. Article about cjs..
- esm – ES module. Often uses import {} export {} syntax. github page..
- iife – A self-executing !function(){...}() Article about iife's..
- umd – Universal Module Definition, works as amd, cjs and iife all in one
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