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Teaching AI with p5js

Final project for the Building AI course


I'm exploring ways to continue teaching some of the AI methods covered on the Building AI course in the classroom in an easy and creative way.


p5.js is a JavaScript library for creative coding. With the p5.js web editor and machine learning library ml5js, it's possible to continue teaching many of the AI methods covered on the Building AI course to for example secondary school students, in a fun and engaging way. With p5.js, there's no need to install anything on the school computers, and the ease of writing code and creating nice graphics is a key element in keeping the students onboard. Instead of using ready-made, restricted examples, the students can use datasets of their own choice.

My personal motivation stems from my background in technology education and creative coding.

How is it used?

Target audience: secondary school students and their teachers. No prior understanding of programming needed. The learning materials must contain good code templates for younger students and novices.

The lesson plan will consist of at least these parts:

  • introduction to creative coding with p5.js (coordinate system, drawing and colors, variables, mapping, functions, basic interactions, importing files, adding text) - 2 hours
  • open data and data visualisation (concept of open data, examples of data types and sources, quick visualisations using Excel/Google Sheets, scatter plots on p5.js) - 2 hours
  • linear regression (nice intro using some of the datasets: what is it, what can / can't you do with linear regression, what does it look like when visualised?) - 1h
  • linear regression with p5.js and ml5js - 2h
  • total: 7h

Classroom requirements:

  • 1 computer / 2 students
  • data projector + computer for the teacher
  • solid internet connection


I tested working with open data and Tensorflow.js tools.

My test data was about the red variant of the Portuguese "Vinho Verde" wine (P. Cortez et. al., see Acknowledgements for details). According to Cortez, the data can be viewed as a classification or regression task. The classes are ordered and not balanced (e.g. there are many more normal wines than excellent or poor ones).

The data consists of these variables (based on physicochemical tests): 1 - fixed acidity 2 - volatile acidity 3 - citric acid 4 - residual sugar 5 - chlorides 6 - free sulfur dioxide 7 - total sulfur dioxide 8 - density 9 - pH 10 - sulphates 11 - alcohol Output variable (based on sensory data): 12 - quality (score between 0 and 10)

After testing, I considered pH and alcohol percentage as good y and x values, and I used the quality as the color variable. Mapping of the data looks like this in p5.js:

Wine Quality

I still struggle with drawing the actual linear regression of this data. However, looking at the color mapping, it looks like the Nearest Neighbor method might produce sensible results: green stands for a higher quality ranking, blue as lower, and there seems to be a correlation to pH and alcohol percentage (the higher the percentage and lower the pH, the better the quality).

I made use of the tutorials by Allison Parrish and Daniel Shiffman to create this demo (see Acknowledgements for details).

Direct link to the code: I appreciate comments on my failed TensorFlow parts of the code - please open an issue if you can help me out <3

Data sources and AI methods Paulo Cortez, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal, A. Cerdeira, F. Almeida, T. Matos and J. Reis, Viticulture Commission of the Vinho Verde Region(CVRVV), Porto, Portugal

I'm investigating linear regression as the first method, but the data suggests that Nearest Neighbor would work as well.


Personally I'm struggling with TensorFlow.js, which I'm not familiar with. In the education setting it's important to sufficiently cover the technologies used, but it's equally crucial not to suffocate the students with too many new concepts. The balance with ready-made code and the students' own input requires careful design. If the students were to use datasets they find interesting, the data needs to be in the correct format, and it will take some effort to discuss what makes a useful dataset for linear regression what doesn't. T

What next?

After I've made the code work, improving the lesson plans is a logical next step. I need to learn TensorFlow.js. Also, it will be useful to play around with KNN or something similar with this data. Wine data isn't the best for teenagers, so I'll also need to collect and test a selection of usable datasets.



Learn linear regression with p5js






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