[4.13.11] Fully stable version
Most of changes affected UI & UX. Mod been tested on dedicated server as well, there was total 3 closed tests. On this stage mod is in working state and could be used anywhere.
Please report any bugs you find!
Minor changes:
- Rewritten all UIs sync, now we have own packets & handlers
- Rewriteen fluid display, added fluid slots with UI interaction
- Added NEI handler for fluid slots
- Backported Big Plasma Turbine from GT5! (it is a bit different from GT5s since it is using advanced machine casings, not turbine casings as in GT5)
- Fixed all registries (Recipe, Cover etc) not it is using caching by reg.names insteadof IDs (Easier to port to new verisons, no bugs anymore if world has deleted items)
Revision changes:
- Fixed Thermal boiler recipes and bugs
- Fixed ALL locales, now anything could be localized, event UI labels
- Added some missed recipes
- Added AE2 compat