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Project BDR/DAI


  • Alex Berberat
  • Lisa Gorgerat
  • Pierric Ripoll

Table of Contents


This web application allows users to manage medias. Users can put medias in customised lists or basic lists such as the finished media list. They can also add notes or comments to the media they interact with. Finally, users can add medias themselves, if they are not in the database.

The types of medias that can be managed are:

  • Books
  • Comics
  • Movies
  • Series
  • Video Games

Getting Started

General Prerequisites

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

To use the docker image, you first need to ensure that docker is installed on your machine. If that's not the case, please go to the official website (Dockerdocs) and follow the instruction for the version you need.


Use Docker and Docker compose instead of running the application natively it's way easier.

As a User

To begin you'll need our app package that you can find here.

You can also use this command in your terminal:

docker pull

Then you can skip to this section.

As a Developer

Additional Prerequisites

  • JDK
  • Maven (optional, a maven wrapper comes with the project)

Setup Using GitHub

Clone the repository
  1. Go to the repository on GitHub and choose your favorite clone option.
  2. Open the terminal in the folder where you want to clone the repository.
  3. Clone the repo.
    git clone
  4. Change git remote url to avoid accidental pushes to base project.
    git remote set-url origin <github_username/repo_name>
    git remote -v
Build the application source code

To build the application, you can use the following commands in your terminal.

# Download the dependencies and their transitive dependencies
./mvnw dependency:go-offline

# Package the application
./mvnw clean package
Build the application package

If you were to change our application, you will need to build it again and publish it on your account.

To build the app:

Go into the folder of the app and use the command:

docker build -t webserver .

To publish the container on GitHub:

  1. You first need to connect to your account:

    docker login -u <username>
  2. You need to tag the image:

    # Tag the image with the correct format
    docker tag webserver<username>/webserver:latest
  3. You publish the container on your account:

    docker push<username>/webserver



You can either choose to deploy localy or online.

Online Use

  • Cloud Based Virtual Machine
    • Docker
    • Docker Compose
  • Domain Name


You can also use a server instead of a Cloud Based VM if you have one available, the application set up should be pretty similar but as we won't explain this scenario you might need to do some research to succeed.

If you don't know how to set up a VM you can read this document to get the basics.
If you don't have a domain name and don't know how to get one, you can read this document to get the basics.

Local Use

With Docker
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
Without Docker
  • Java


To run the project locally, you need to have a Postgre Database with the following settings (if you modify any of the following, do not forget to modify the file src/main/java/ch/heigvd/dai/

  • Database name : mediatheque

We have sql scripts for creating the content of the database and to give it base data, if you want to fill it. The scripts are in docs/BDR-phases in phase 3 and 4. The order to run them is DDL.sql, DML.sql and base_struct_and_data.sql.

Steps to deploy

With Docker


If you want too run the application online you will need to change the name of the domain in docker-compose.yaml to your domain that is linked to your vm.

  • Line 57 : - "traefik.http.routers.webserver.rule=Host(`<your domain name>`)"
  • Line 61 : - "traefik.http.routers.webserver-secure.rule=Host(`<your domain name>`)"

To run the project with docker, after packaging and building the project with Docker, use the following command:

docker compose up

If you run it localy you can access by going to the address localhost:8080 in your browser.
And if you run it online you juste need to go to your domain name in your browser.

Without Docker

To run the project without docker, after packaging, run this command:

java -jar target/webserver.jar

To see the result, go to localhost:8080 in your browser.



To see the project running, simply visit the website URL on your browser.

From there you can naturally go through the website by clicking on the menu bar at the top, or by clicking the titles of the media objects.


Demonstration made using curl to simulate request.

Complementary Information


If you need more informations about the API you can consult this file.

DNS Configuration

We used Duck DNS to get our domain. Duck DNS give automatically an A record. We made our domain point to our VM. points to

Now we can access our website using:

To see the TTL of our domain, we used this command: dig +nocmd +noquestion +nocomments +stats

The result was: 60 IN A

To see all the records and information, the nslookup command is very useful. Exemples:

  • The A record: nslookup -type=a

    • Answer:
    Non-authoritative answer:
  • The MX record: nslookup -type=mx

    • Answer:
    Non-authoritative answer:  mail exchanger = 50
    Authoritative answers can be found from:  internet address =