- Task description: http://www.biocreative.org/tasks/biocreative-vi/track-5/
- Data (may require login): http://www.biocreative.org/accounts/login/?next=/resources/corpora/chemprot-corpus-biocreative-vi/
- Python 2.7
- TensorFlow 1.2.1
- Keras 2.0.5
- Scikit-learn
- ConfigParser
Go through the config file config/main_config.ini
to modify the
following paths
: unzipped corpus directoryout_dir
: the output directory of preprocessed file
python extract_sentences.py
By default, you will see the relation instances of train, dev and test
sets under out_dir
: training.txt
, development.txt
and test.txt
Load word embeddings and generate word index (word2id) for the corpus by running:
python preprocess.py
A subset of word embeddings, vocabulary, and sentencse are stored under
the compressed pkl file
Load the encoded sentences, initalize model parameters, compile Tensorflow and Keras models, and run training and testing on the dataset by:
python dnn.py
The output file is in Brat standoff format, the same as the gold standard files. Each epoch of ATT-GRU will take 83 seconds on a NVIDIA Tesla P40 GPU to complete.
The offical envaluation script can be downloaded at the offical site:
ChemProt evaluation kit
A copy is also provided under ./eval
for the convenience of usage, and it will be called
automatically after the output file on the test set is generented.
The official result is:
Total annotations: 3458
Total predictions: 2939
TP: 1687
FN: 1771
FP: 1252
Precision: 0.5740047635250085
Recall: 0.48785425101214575
F-score: 0.5274347350320463
The confusion matrix and classification report will also be printed.
Confusion Matrix:
[[8859 138 573 70 73 272]
[ 344 212 37 1 1 3]
[ 485 33 969 3 11 11]
[ 69 4 1 86 0 1]
[ 125 0 5 4 136 0]
[ 274 3 12 0 0 280]]
Classification Report:
precision recall f1-score support
CPR:3 0.544 0.355 0.429 598
CPR:4 0.607 0.641 0.623 1512
CPR:5 0.524 0.534 0.529 161
CPR:6 0.615 0.504 0.554 270
CPR:9 0.494 0.492 0.493 569
avg / total 0.570 0.541 0.551 3110
Please follow the Jupyter Notebook model_att_vis.ipynb
for details.
The relation classification architechture is based on the Relation CNN implementation from UKPLab.
The attention RNN is inspired by the code snippet from cbaziotis.
S Liu, F Shen, R Komandur Elayavilli, Y Wang, M Rastegar-Mojarad, V Chaudhary, H Liu. Extracting chemical–protein relations using attention-based neural networks. Database, Volume 2018, bay102.