Spring 2017 GD2 Project Sheet: sl.ookb.co/hackBehance
This is an experiment into using Behance as a basic content management sysytem to power a simple portfolio ... basically templating and styling the JSON output from behance.net using just a simple set of mustache templates. This is a starter kit of files and instructions attempting to use the lowest possible barrier to entry tools.
Most recent stable release can be found here: https://github.com/OOKB/behance-demo/releases. Most recent version is on top. Currently at v0.2
. For the new to this stuff, you are probably best off downloading the .zip
current live demos:
Outcomes are severely limited due to the constraints of the tools, and some other overarching ideas:
- low barrier to entry
- very little Javascript knowledge required
- all rendering happens in the browser
- edit/design with simple HTML and CSS
- get all data from Behance, little to no project content should live in the HTML
- what content you can show is limited to what content behance's prebuilt API calls return (can rely on behance API documentation for solving data related problems hopefully)
The main point: simple, semi-custom display for your behance projects. Get a nice, simple portfolio up that you still weild some control over, but have very little to manage and upkeep on your end. Make something that can be freely hosted on gh-pages.
Basically, we're providing you a list of projects and you get to decide how to display that list.
As this project evolves more templates, instructions, outcomes, etc. will be created.
Currently we're using:
And that's it.
As we build this out more libraries and themes will be added, other things might be listed here (like list.js or masonry or isotope or tachyons or similar...).
- Register your "application" (in this case your app is your website)
- Copy the API key / Client ID, we'll need this.
You can get back to this by going to https://www.behance.net/dev/apps
The other thing you need to know from Behance.net is your machine Username. This is what shows up in the URL for your Behance Profile — https://www.behance.net/YOURUSERNAME
. For example, if my Behance profile url is https://www.behance.net/kristianbjornard, that makes my Behance user name kristianbjornard
It is helpful to have a JSON viewing plugin installed in your browser to make the JSON feeds easier to navigate. One of these will work if you're using chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/jsonView. This will work if you're using Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/jsonview/. If you're a Safari user try this: https://github.com/rfletcher/safari-json-formatter or https://github.com/acrogenesis/jsonview-safari.
Your Behance API JSON feed is findable at https://api.behance.net/v2/users/ + YOURUSERNAME + /projects/?api_key= + YOURAPIKEY + &per_page=25&callback=?;
Documentation on the Behance API is found here: https://www.behance.net/dev/api/endpoints/
Currently there are two starter themes in the layouts
. These are not yet fleshed out themes by any means. However, they do give a basic starter place that has something more going on than just a column of projects. If you've developed a theme that you think others might enjoy, please share it.
More to come.
Behance-kit is maintained mainly by @bjornmeansbear … but also people like you! If you find a bug, report it to the GitHub Issue Tracker. If you've fixed a bug submit a Pull Request and add your fork to the Network Wiki Page.
Visit the Behance Developer docs for help w/ their API and such. Jquery also has a lot of useful documenation on how all of its pieces work. Mustache.js is a little harder to self trouble shoot if you don't get how much of it works, so those are things you can try leaving issues for — or even search places like stack overflow for; the way we're using these tools isn't different from many other implimentations of mustache templates rendering data from a json feed.
Good luck.